beverly deveny

What Distribution Options Do I Have With My Inherited IRA?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag picked up on the "gold in IRAs" trend captured in two of our recent blog articles. We answer Bill's questions on selling the gold from his IRA then we move into questions on the Roth IRA 5-year rule and distribution options for inherited IRAs.

10 Things You Must Know About a Recharacterization

October will be here before you know it. I know this because I have already seen Halloween candy in the grocery store. October 15 is the deadline for doing a Roth recharacterization. Here is what you need to know.

Can I Place My IRA in a Trust?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions about placing an IRA in a trust, what to do with 401(k) funds from a previous employer and the nuts and bolts of the Roth IRA 5-year rules.

How to Invest in Gold in Your IRA

Have you seen or read those ads for putting gold in your IRA? They make it sound so easy. And that's the problem. In this article, we discuss the potential pitfalls and how to properly invest in gold with your IRA.

How Many Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers Can I Make in One Year?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the proper titling on the IRA beneficiary form - and the headaches that ensue when the beneficiary form isn't properly filled out to meet the desires of the deceased and/or their beneficiaries - and answers how many trustee-to-trustee transfers an IRA account owner can do in one year.

Just Another Reason to Check Your Beneficiary Forms

We are all going to die someday. That is pretty much guaranteed. What is not guaranteed is who is going to inherit our “stuff?” We can use a will, a trust, and beneficiary forms. This story is about a man who did not use his beneficiary form.

How NOT to Invest in an Alternative Investment in Your IRA

There are very few things an IRA cannot invest in. Those are collectibles, life insurance and S Corp stock. An IRA can invest in just about anything else. The key word here is that the IRA can invest in an asset. Here is the story of an investment gone wrong.

Do You Really Know What a Rollover Is?

Everyone thinks they know what a rollover is, but do they really? A rollover is when you move retirement funds from one account to another. Well, that is partially right. We examine the true definition of a rollover in the employer plan and IRA worlds.

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