beverly deveny

5 Ways to Help the Moms In Your Life Get Ready for Retirement

Mother’s Day 2015 is over, but you can help the moms in your life get ready for retirement every day. Women typically earn less than men for the same job and have fewer years in the workforce. That makes it all the more important for women to use every opportunity they have to save for retirement. Here are five ways you can help.

Should I Name a Trust as My IRA Beneficiary?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, includes questions on how the pro-rata rule affects pre-tax and tax-free IRA money and how and when you should use trusts as IRA beneficiaries.

4 Steps to Taking a Roth Conversion After Age 70 1/2

With individuals living longer, more and more are considering a Roth conversion after age 70 1/2. Beverly DeVeny takes you through the 4 steps you must follow to properly execute the Roth conversion after the key required minimum distribution age.

Why Double Check Your Retirement Transactions?

Check, double check, and then, maybe, check again. When you are moving retirement funds, make sure they are going to the right account. We have heard so many horror stories through the years. Here's just a few "do-not-do-this" examples.

How to Take Year-of-Death Required Distributions

We are frequently asked how to take an undistributed RMD (required minimum distribution) for an IRA account owner in pay status who died during the year. So, should the RMD come out of the deceased owner’s account before or after it is re-titled as an inherited IRA?

How Do I Take an RMD on An Account Valued at Zero?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at a dilemma we see in many households: expected income exceeds Roth IRA contribution limits, so the family elects to open a Traditional IRA, only to see by year-end that the expected income fell under the contribution limits. Can this family convert the Traditional IRA money to a Roth? Also, we examine the process of taking a required minimum distribution on an account valued at zero, and answer an inherited IRA question about the proper way of distributing funds.

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