beverly deveny

After-Tax IRA Contributions, Distributions, Conversions at Tax Time

How do I tell IRS that my IRA distribution or Roth conversion is not taxable? We get this question fairly frequently at tax time - especially if the client has done a "backdoor" Roth conversion. Click to find the answer and more information on After-Tax IRA Contributions, Distributions, and Conversions at tax time.

The 60-Day IRA Rollover: What Can Go Wrong

We are constantly saying that you should not do a 60-day rollover unless it is absolutely necessary. Here is a perfect example of why that's the case. The following story comes from a recent private letter ruling issued by IRS. It details some of the many ways a 60-day rollover can go horribly wrong.

IRS Dirty Dozen Tax Scams During Tax Season

IRS has released its annual list of the “Dirty Dozen” tax scams just in time for you to try and avoid them during their peak tax season. Beware of these scams and check back here for Tax Planning Week through Friday.

Retirement Account Asset Valuation Seeing Greater Scrutiny

Asset valuation is coming under greater scrutiny. It started with valuations used for calculating estate tax. IRS questioned valuation discounts used in many estates and was successful in many of these challenges.Then came the housing crash, the market crash and the mortgage security problems in 2006 and beyond. As a result, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is now looking harder at how illiquid investments in alternative funds are being valued.

Mandatory Notification of RMDs for 2014

If you are an IRA owner who will be age 70 ½ or older this year, you should have received a notice from your IRA custodian telling you that you have a required minimum distribution (RMD) this year. They will also notify IRS on Form 5498 that you have an RMD. The letter to you should also tell you how much your RMD is for the year or offer to do the calculation for you. While you can generally rely on the calculation done by your IRA custodian, here are our 5 easy steps to be sure their calculation is correct.

myRA: Analyzing the President’s Retirement Plan Proposal

So, did anything happen in President Barack Obama's State of the Union last night that we should be aware of? The President's new retirement plan proposal, called myRA, (rhymes with "IRA" when pronounced correctly - trust us, it's tough) drummed up a lot of discussion over water coolers and across the worldwide web last night and into this morning, including extremely active discussions on Twitter. So what does the proposal mean for advisors, investors and the present and future of retirement planning?

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