beverly deveny

Do You Have a Required Minimum Distribution in 2011?

Do you have a Required Minimum Distribution in 2011? These questions come up at the beginning of each year. When do I have to take my first distribution? What age do I use? Do I have to wait until I actually turn 70 ½? Click to read the answers to these questions.

Form 8606 for 2010 Roth Conversions

If you did a Roth conversion in 2010, you will need to file Form 8606 with your 2010 tax return. There is no escaping this unless you do a total recharacterization of your Roth conversion. Click to read more about Form 8606.

In-Plan Roth Rollover Guidance Released

IRS has released guidance on the conversion of 401(k) and 403(b) plan assets to Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) accounts in Notice 2010-84. This guidance also applies to governmental 457(b) plans beginning January 1, 2011. Here are the highlights: Plan participants, spouses, and alternate payees who are current or former spouses can do the in-plan Roth conversion.

Required Minimum Distributions for a Successor Beneficiary

Before we even get to the RMDs, what exactly is a successor beneficiary? Let’s say that Great-Uncle Scott dies and leaves his IRA to his daughter Rosemary. Rosemary is the IRA beneficiary. Rosemary names her nephew James as her “successor” beneficiary. If Rosemary dies with funds remaining in her inherited IRA, then James will succeed to her remaining benefit – he becomes the successor beneficiary.

IRA Subject to IRS Levy?

Can an IRA be levied by IRS?The bad news is that, yes, it can be subject to an IRS levy. The good news is that such a levy will not be subject to the 10% early distribution penalty if you are under age 59 ½ at the time of the levy. The amount taken by IRS will be reported as a distribution to you and you will owe income tax on the amount taken by IRS.

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