beverly deveny

Too Many Roth IRAs? It’s Time to Consolidate

A common strategy is to go through with smaller Roth IRA conversions or to convert different assets to different Roth IRAs. If you have done this over a number of years, you probably have more Roth IRAs than you know what to do with. Maybe it is time to consolidate. Here's why.

Relief for Victims of the Louisiana Floods: An Easing of Rules for Hardship Distributions and Loans from Employer Plans

On August 30, 2016 IRS released Announcement 2016-30 that allows for streamlining employer plan loan procedures and liberalizing hardship distribution rules for most employer plans. The following procedures are in effect until January 17, 2017 for victims of the storms and flooding in Louisiana that began on August 11, 2016.

Can I Convert an Annuity to a Roth IRA?

A holiday weekend version of The Slott Report Mailbag features questions concerning a 1099-R filing error, the possibility of converting an annuity to a Roth IRA and the viability of the often discussed (at least in this space) back-door Roth IRA.

Fix Your 60-Day Rollover Mistake! IRS Releases New Guidance

In one fell swoop, the IRS has just saved thousands of IRAs from the harsh bite of needless and accelerated taxation. On Wednesday August 24, 2016, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-47, which allows you to complete a late 60-day rollover of retirement funds using a self-certification. Here's what this means for retirement account owners.

The IRA Definition of Compensation

In order to make an IRA or Roth IRA contribution, you must have “compensation.” What exactly is the definition of compensation for IRA purposes? This article explains the various forms.

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