Ed Slott

IRAtv: Ed Slott’s IRA Rollover Steps to Success

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, details the IRA rollover rules and procedures so you can avoid needless taxes and penalties on your rollovers from employer plans (401(k)s for example) to IRAs or from one IRA to another IRA. Ed Slott takes you through the steps to IRA rollover success! View this IRAtv video below.

Beneficiary Form Mistakes: How to Avoid Losing Your ENTIRE Retirement Fortune

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, details the importance of having a current beneficiary form and describes how missing this key point can be costly for your intended retirement account beneficiaries. This IRAtv video goes through naming beneficiaries, using trusts as beneficiaries and lessons to learn to avoid costly mistakes and keep retirement plans updated.

Inherited IRAs Do’s and Don’ts Checklist

Are you inheriting an IRA? Here is a quick checklist for you. This list is designed for individuals who inherit as named beneficiaries. Some items will be different for a spouse beneficiary or if an estate or a trust inherits an IRA.

Health Care Taxes, NUA, Inherited IRAs and RMDs Highlight Mailbag

The Slott Report Mailbag was full of questions that will keep us busy through the summer! This week we answered a pressing question on taxes relating to President Obama's Health Care Law, Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) strategies, inherited IRAs and required minimum distributions.

July 4th: Your Independence From Taxes

Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, talks about halftime in 2012 and the upcoming July 4th holiday as a backdrop for moving more of your money from FOREVER taxed to NEVER taxed while tax rates are at historic lows. Ed provides some key 2012 retirement planning strategies, including Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s

What the Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Law Means For YOUR Taxes

The Supreme Court upheld President Barack Obama's 2010 Health Care Law, the Affordable Care Act, with a 5-4 "up" vote on its constitutionality based on Congress' taxing power. Regardless of your politics, with the Supreme Court's decision, there is more certainty that health care taxes, what we call the health care surtax, will take hold on high-income earners in 2013. Ed Slott outlines what the Supreme Court ruling means for YOUR taxes and retirement planning situation in this IRAtv video below:

Wall Street Journal: IRA Rules Get Trickier

The Wall Street Journal's weekend edition featured an article by Kelly Greene on how IRAs are about to get trickier due to Uncle Sam tightening his belt on individual retirement account mistakes. The agency will report to the Treasury Department on how to recoup penalties from those who make IRA errors.

Using a 401(k) to Buy a Small Business – Response to New York Times Article

The New York Times ran an article on June 13th titled, "Using Your 401(k) to Buy a Small Business," and we feel compelled to discuss the piece and provide a few words of warning on using what is called a ROBS (Rollovers as Business Start-ups) transaction. Ed Slott goes through the article and adds his own expert retirement planning perspective in this IRAtv video below.

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