Ed Slott

IRAtv: Can You Consolidate Converted Roth IRA Funds?

We received an IRA mailbag question from Greg, who wanted to know if he could consolidate all of his separate converted Roth IRA funds into one account. Two important factors to answer this question are: 1) how long have the converted funds been in the Roth IRA? 2) how old is Greg?

IRAtv: Roth Conversion Eligibility Video

The question of Roth IRA conversion eligibility is one of the more popular inquiries we receive each week. The Roth IRA is such a powerful retirement planning vehicle that it is important to understand the conversion eligibility requirements. This IRAtv video talks about this very topic.

IRAtv: WSJ Article on Gold Value; Ed Slott on Roth Recharacterizations

This IRAtv video from Ed Slott is about a recent Wall Street Journal article on the up-and-down value of gold and how you can recharacterize a Roth IRA conversion if the value of your investments go down. Ed breaks down the recharacterization process and uses gold as an example on the Roth recharacterization decision each investor must make with devalued investments.

IRA Statements You Will Receive in May

The end of May brings the Memorial Day holiday and the start of the summer season. It's also the time that you will receive information about your IRA from your financial institution.

Video: Roth IRA 5-Year Rules: What Money Can You Pull Out…and When?

The Roth IRA 5-Year Rules are some of the most difficult to understand for the average American, and they are laced with potential pitfalls of taxes and penalties if you don't proceed with caution and expert advice. Ed Slott details all of the answers in this IRAtv video on what money you can take out of a Roth IRA...and when!

Video: Can I Move Money From a Roth IRA to a Roth 401(k)?

Ed Slott answers a question from a consumer in Florida about whether he can move money from his Roth IRA to a company-sponsored Roth 401(k). This video describes the differences between the two accounts and answers the question about transferring funds.

Spousal Beneficiaries, Inherited IRAs and RMD Questions Highlight Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag answers questions about spousal beneficiaries, inherited IRAs and keeping the Stretch IRA provision (biggest benefit in the tax code!) for your heirs and required minimum distributions.  As always, we stress the importance of working with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure. Find one in your area at this link.1.Ed:I have your book, but unfortunately it is at my cabin so I don't have access right now. I am inheriting a Roth IRA from my wife, who recently passed away at 65. It was converted to a Roth in December 2008. First question: Is it better to keep it as a separate Roth IRA, or add it into my existing Roth IRA?

Morningstar Videos: Ed Slott on Last Minute IRA Tax Tips

Ed Slott spoke with Morningstar's Christine Benz earlier this week about last-minute IRA tax tips, including choosing between a traditional IRA and Roth IRA contribution, the backdoor Roth IRA and Roth recharacterizations. The videos can be found below in their entirety. Ed Slott speaks about choosing between a traditional IRA and Roth IRA contribution in this video.

Two Tax Time IRA Questions

Here are two questions that come up a lot at tax time: Can I do a conversion now for 2011? and Joe died last year. He had earned income. Can we make a contribution to his IRA or Roth IRA account for last year. Find the answers below.

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