The Top 3 Questions (And Answers) From Instant IRA Success

This past weekend, advisors from all across the country gathered at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada to spend two days with the Ed Slott and Company team for our latest Instant IRA Success 2-Day IRA Workshop. Over the two days, there were – no doubt – hundreds of questions asked and answered by our team. Here are three of our favorites, along with the answers.

Can I Invest My Roth IRA Funds in an Annuity?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, looks at lump sum distribution rules for pension plans and the possibility of investing Roth IRA funds in an annuity.

5 Retirement Account Creditor Protection Myths … And What Facts REALLY Are

The creditor protection rules that apply to retirement accounts are complex and frequently misunderstood. In an effort to correct some of the most frequently misunderstood concepts and provide some clarity in these seemingly murky waters, below we explore 5 Retirement Account Creditor Protection Myths and then give you the real facts behind them.

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