Form 1040

You Will Receive Your 2013 IRS Form 1099-R by the end of January

You’ll be receiving a copy of your 2013 IRS Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc., if you took a distribution from your employer retirement plan or IRA last year. The employer plan or IRA custodian has to send you a copy by January 31, 2014. You’ll need to give your tax preparer a copy of it so that your retirement plan distributions are correctly reported on your federal income tax return.

New IRS Guidance on Qualified Charitable Distributions

As we reported earlier, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) extended the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) rules retroactively for 2012 and through 2013. Two special rules allow IRA owners to have a donation made before February 1, 2013 be treated as a 2012 QCD. Click to learn more about the new IRS guidance on QCDs.

An Open Letter of Retirement Planning Advice to President Obama

Mr. President, As part of the campaign process for your bid to seek a second term in the White House, you recently released a copy of your 2011 tax return. Purely to satisfy my own curiosity, I decided to review the return, as well as the tax return of your challenger, Governor Romney.

Income Tax Due on 2010 Roth Conversion

You will have income tax due if you went through with a 2010 Roth conversion, so make sure your tax return includes deferred income. Did you do a Roth conversion in 2010 and take the default option of deferring the income to 2011 and 2012?

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