health care tax

3 Rules You Must Know About the 3.8% Surtax

The rules governing the 3.8% surtax are incredibly complicated, and it is unlikely that you will ever need to know more than a handful of them. If you have an IRA or other retirement account, that handful of rules likely includes one or more of the three discussed in this article.

How IRA Distributions Impact the 3.8% Healthcare Surtax

How can you and your financial advisor work together to lower your tax liability? One of the questions we often ask financial professionals is, "what have you done to lower your clients' exposure to the new 3.8% healthcare surtax on net investment income?" View our IRAtv video below.

The Roth Conversion Decision Just Got Tougher

As much as we like Roth conversions and encourage individuals to convert, we do realize that Roth conversions aren't for everyone. There have always been many factors to consider before doing a conversion. With the passage of the 2012 tax act on January 2, 2013 and with the healthcare surtaxes taking effect in 2013, there are now more factors to consider. We explain these below.

Accelerating the Sale of Appreciated Capital Gain Property: A Strategy Worth Considering

As you are now no doubt aware, there are any number of ways which you might pay more in taxes for 2013 than you will this year. One of those many ways is when you sell long-term capital gain property. Common types of capital gain property are stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate. To be considered “long-term,” you must have held the investment for more than one year.

10 Ways You Might Pay More Tax in 2013

The debates are over and we are now less than two weeks from the election! There's a lot riding on this election for both nominees and both parties, but more importantly, for the American public as a whole. While there are numerous issues that will no doubt require the next President's attention, along with that of our lawmakers, few issues are likely to generate more interest from the American people than the subject of taxes.

Health Care Taxes, NUA, Inherited IRAs and RMDs Highlight Mailbag

The Slott Report Mailbag was full of questions that will keep us busy through the summer! This week we answered a pressing question on taxes relating to President Obama's Health Care Law, Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) strategies, inherited IRAs and required minimum distributions.

IRAtv: 2013 Tax and Revenue Raising Provisions

Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine details three main 2013 tax and revenue raising provisions to keep your eye on and plan for as summer flies by (we are nearly three-fourths of the way through the calendar year!) One of those provisions is a surtax on net investment income brought on by President Obama's health care law.

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