inherited IRA

RMDs from Inherited IRAs

You inherited an IRA or Roth IRA in 2014. Do you have to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) this year? We examine the answers for non-spouse beneficiaries, spousal beneficiaries and more.

Converting to an Inherited Roth IRA

A question we are frequently asked is, "can I convert my inherited retirement plan funds to an inherited Roth IRA?" The answer is no – and yes. The explain when you can and when you can't in today's article.

Who Pays the Tax on Inherited IRA Distributions If You Leave Your IRA to a Trust?

For a variety of reasons, you might be considering naming a trust as your IRA beneficiary. If that’s the case, then chances are that you have questions about how, exactly, that would work. One of the most common questions people have when they name a trust as their IRA beneficiary is, “Who will pay the tax on the inherited IRA distributions? The trust, or the trust beneficiaries?” We answer that question in this article.

How Many Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers Can I Make in One Year?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the proper titling on the IRA beneficiary form - and the headaches that ensue when the beneficiary form isn't properly filled out to meet the desires of the deceased and/or their beneficiaries - and answers how many trustee-to-trustee transfers an IRA account owner can do in one year.

10 Facts You Need to Know About Required Minimum Distributions

If you have an IRA and you are approaching retirement age, or if you are already in retirement, you are most likely familiar with the term “required minimum distribution (RMD).” But do you know how the rules work and what they mean for you as an IRA owner? Here are 10 facts about RMDs that every IRA owner should know.

IRA Pitfall to Avoid; How to Deal With What Parents Left Behind

Handling the estate and IRA issues of parents after their death is a difficult undertaking, especially when it is done during the normal grieving process. We examine a recent article on this issue, and we look at Ed Slott's recent Financial Planning column on a major IRA pitfall to avoid.

Fox Business Channel: Why Your Retirement Is At Risk

Your retirement is at risk - but it's not necessarily because of the reasons you might think. Ed Slott sat down with Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria to discuss why taxes are your retirement's public enemy No. 1. Some financial advisors don't know the ever-changing tax rules, others make IRA rollover mistakes that can wipe out a client's life savings and even others don't know how to deal with inherited IRAs and the pitfalls that can befall beneficiaries.

How You Should Split an IRA After Death

Elroy was a well-intentioned beneficiary who received bad advice. We detail Elroy's plight as IRA beneficiary, his loss in tax court and how you can avoid a similar fate when setting up an inherited IRA and splitting it after death.

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