inherited IRA

12 Things You Can’t Do With Your Retirement Account

Can you believe that we are already in May? And in 2012 no less? In the spirit, somehow fast forwarding into the future and being in May of 2012, here are 12 things you may not do with your retirement account.1) You may not convert or rollover a required minimum distribution (RMD). A year’s RMD must be taken prior to making any such transaction.2) You may not claim “hardship” as an exception to the 10% early distribution penalty. No such exception exists!!3) You may not name your estate as your IRA beneficiary if you want your beneficiaries to stretch your IRA. 4) You may not make a Roth contribution for 2012 if your income is above certain thresholds. Click here to see those thresholds.5) You

Non-Sensical IRA and Roth IRA Items (Part 3 of 3)

I think we can all accept that the Tax Code is confusing. After all, it has to provide the rules for an extraordinarily vast array of circumstances. Sometimes though, the Code goes beyond merely confusing and borders on the bizarre. “Why would Congress do that?” you might ask yourself… and you’re not alone. While there are more than just a handful of bizarre items in the Tax Code, we’ve chosen to highlight three of them that relate directly to IRAs.

IRAs (SEP, Inherited, Stretch) Highlight Mailbag

IRAs, IRAs, IRAs. We have a full plate (leftovers from Thanksgiving) of IRA questions in this week's Mailbag. These questions touch on topics such as SEP IRAs, inherited IRAs and naming the trust as the beneficiary of IRAs.

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