IRA beneficiary

What Are The Spousal Roth IRA Beneficiary Rules?

It's time for another edition of The Slott Report Mailbag, where we answer consumer questions on required minimum distribution (RMD) procedures with IRA annuities, The Roth conversion conversation and the Roth IRA beneficiary rules for spouses.

What Options Does an Estate Have as IRA Beneficiary?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag dives into details on SIMPLE IRAs and SEP IRAs, explains the legality of having a 401(k) versus a Roth 401(k) and walks the questioner through the options an estate has as an IRA beneficiary. As always, we stress the importance of working with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure.

IRA Tax Reporting: The Two Types and Key Forms

There are two types of tax reporting for IRA accounts: the reporting that is mandatory for IRA custodians and the subsequent reporting that must be done by the IRA owner or beneficiary. Here's what you need to know about each.

Is There an Age Requirement to Go Through with a Qualified Charitable Distribution?

The qualified charitable distribution (QCD) questions keep rolling in - and we aren't surprised. After all, the QCD provision is one of the biggest breaks in the tax code and it's of tremendous value to the charitably inclined. In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we also walk a reader through the general IRA beneficiary provisions in a community property state.

Who Gets the Retirement Money?

It generally takes about 30 seconds to complete a beneficiary form, and that is about all the consideration that is given to the document. Do you realize that the beneficiary form determines who will receive what could be a significant portion of your estate? Learn more about the beneficiary form's power in today's blog post.

RMD Statements for IRA Owners Are in the Mail: 7 Things You Need to Know

If you are required to take an RMD (required minimum distribution) from your IRA for 2016, your IRA custodian is required to send an RMD statement to you by January 31, 2016. Here are seven things you need to know about this important information, which will be arriving in your mail sometime in the next few weeks.

The Most Important Question to Ask a Beneficiary

A new client calls or comes to your office. They tell you that they have just inherited retirement assets from their parent, spouse, sibling, friend – it doesn’t matter who. What is the first and most important question you ask them and what impact does that answer have?

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