IRA beneficiary

Whose Trust Should Be Your IRA Beneficiary?

Consider a typical scenario. There is a married couple, Peggy and Tom, and both have their own revocable trust. They also each have their own retirement accounts. It is frequently recommended that individuals name a trust as the beneficiary of their retirement accounts. We will assume that it is necessary for Peggy and Tom to do this. Whose trust should they name as the beneficiary?

How Current is Your Beneficiary Form?

You opened your IRA account 20 years ago and named your spouse as the beneficiary of your IRA. Life has been good for the last 20 years, and you are still married to that same spouse and that same financial institution is still on the corner. But should you still have the same beneficiary form? A lot has changed in 20 years. You've updated your wardrobe and car. And you probably need to update your beneficiary form.

The MOST Important Piece of Information IRA Beneficiaries Must Know

Are you named as a beneficiary on an IRA? It probably is not your intention to have a large portion of that inherited IRA go to taxes. How can you avoid this unfortunate outcome and maximize your IRA tax advantages? What is the most important thing you need to know as an IRA beneficiary?

IRA Pitfall to Avoid; How to Deal With What Parents Left Behind

Handling the estate and IRA issues of parents after their death is a difficult undertaking, especially when it is done during the normal grieving process. We examine a recent article on this issue, and we look at Ed Slott's recent Financial Planning column on a major IRA pitfall to avoid.

Can I Invest My Roth IRA Funds in an Annuity?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, looks at lump sum distribution rules for pension plans and the possibility of investing Roth IRA funds in an annuity.

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