IRA contribution

Excess IRA Contributions – Too Much of a Good Thing

You can have too much of a good thing. A contribution to your IRA is a great way to save for retirement, but there are limits. If you exceed those limits you will end up with an excess IRA contribution and a tax mess. This was the fate of two taxpayers in a recent court case, where mega IRA contributions resulted in excess contributions and penalties.

Department of Labor Clears Way for State-Run IRAs

Your state may soon be getting into the IRA business. The Department of Labor (DOL) removed a major hurdle recently, when it issued final rules for state-run IRA programs. The final rules give states a safe harbor from Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) for state-run IRAs if certain conditions are met.

What TransAmerica Retirement Survey Says About Retirement Outlook

Last month TransAmerica released its 17th annual Retirement Survey of Workers. This year’s study, entitled Prospectives on Retirement: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, yielded some incredible information. Here are some of the most fascinating takeaways I found as I read through the study.

The IRA Definition of Compensation

In order to make an IRA or Roth IRA contribution, you must have “compensation.” What exactly is the definition of compensation for IRA purposes? This article explains the various forms.

Think You Are Debt Free If You Own an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b)? Think Again

While reasonably basic to an IRA specialist, the 9 ideas below are often overlooked by consumers and many financial practitioners alike who do not specialize in IRAs. Used appropriately, they may often help individuals and families preserve their retirement wealth. Perhaps they can help you too. Consider researching in more depth on your own, or perhaps broach any of the topics you feel may apply to you in more detail with your financial consultant(s).

Marriage and Your Retirement Account

Marriage changes a lot of things. Some things are not quite as obvious as others. We walk you through the key changes to your IRAs, Roth IRAs and overall retirement planning.

Saying “I Do…” Has Its Benefits For Your IRA

With the calendar well into May, wedding season has arrived in full force. You have probably heard the saying that marriage has its benefits. Well, this is especially true when it comes to the IRA rules. If you are married, you may have some IRA options that would not have been available to you if you had not taken the plunge and tied the knot. Here are 4 IRA benefits you may have if you are married.

You Can’t Finance – But You Can Save For – Your Retirement

Are you a 20- or 30-something year old or do you know any of those individuals? You’ve now paid your taxes for 2015, take a deep breath, and start planning for your retirement. You will most likely have no pension other than Social Security, if it is still around. Social Security will not cover all of your living expenses just as Medicare will not cover all of your medical expenses. You need to start saving and planning for your retirement NOW. Here's how.

10 Quick Tips for Making Your 2015 IRA Contribution

We are down to the wire! The tax-filing deadline is rapidly approaching and time is running out to make your 2015 IRA contribution. In the final few days, before the clock runs out, here are 10 quick last minute tips to keep in mind about contributing to an IRA.

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