IRA Rollover

How to Invest in Gold in Your IRA

Have you seen or read those ads for putting gold in your IRA? They make it sound so easy. And that's the problem. In this article, we discuss the potential pitfalls and how to properly invest in gold with your IRA.

New Rules to Know Before Moving Your IRA

If you are an IRA owner looking for the best investment option, there are new rules in 2015 that you will want to know before moving your IRA. If you make an error in your effort to maximize the return on your IRA, you may end up with your entire IRA being distributed and taxable to you.

Do You Really Know What a Rollover Is?

Everyone thinks they know what a rollover is, but do they really? A rollover is when you move retirement funds from one account to another. Well, that is partially right. We examine the true definition of a rollover in the employer plan and IRA worlds.

Fox Business Channel: Why Your Retirement Is At Risk

Your retirement is at risk - but it's not necessarily because of the reasons you might think. Ed Slott sat down with Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria to discuss why taxes are your retirement's public enemy No. 1. Some financial advisors don't know the ever-changing tax rules, others make IRA rollover mistakes that can wipe out a client's life savings and even others don't know how to deal with inherited IRAs and the pitfalls that can befall beneficiaries.

5 Exceptions to the One-Per-Year 60-Day Rollover Rule

Beginning in 2015, individuals are only allowed to do one 60-day rollover in a year. A 60-day rollover is when a distribution is issued payable to the account owner. They can cash the check or they can spend funds that were deposited into a bank or other type of account. In this article, we asses 5 exceptions to the one-per-year 60-day IRA rollover rule and provide three examples.

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