ira rules

IRA Rules That We Give Thanks for in 2022

It is a Thanksgiving tradition here at the Slott Report to take a moment to give thanks for the IRA rules that are helpful to retirement savers. We know there are many times the rules governing retirement accounts can be tricky. They often seem illogical, confusing, and may be even unfair. However, there are others that work well and give us the tools we need to save for a secure retirement – and may be even get a few tax breaks along the way.

5 IRA Rules For Which We Are Thankful in 2021

Thanksgiving 2021 is upon us. This is the time of the year when we gather together and express our gratitude. When it comes to our retirement accounts, we often complain about the negatives. There are restrictions that are not logical and rules that are complex and confusing.

Marriage Has Its Benefits – 4 IRA Rules Same-Sex Couples Should Know

June is PRIDE Month. This June also marks the sixth anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage. In the wake of this decision, millions of same-sex couples headed to the alter over the past few years.Many of these newlyweds, never expecting to see a day when they would be allowed to marry, may not have paid much attention to the special breaks that married couples receive under the tax code. When it comes to IRA rules, spouses have many advantages, and couples in same-sex marriages are no exception. Here are four special IRA rules for spouses that same-sex couples should know about:

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