7 Resolutions for Your IRA for 2017

A new year brings a fresh start and a chance to do things better. You probably have a few resolutions for 2017. You may be planning to eat healthier, get more exercise, or stick to a budget. As you are making your resolutions for the new year, don’t overlook your IRA. Here are a few suggestions for 2017.

5 Ways to Avoid the Time and Expense of Probate

Death is inevitable. It comes for us all at one point or another. Some sooner than later, but none are able to escape its grasp. Whenever that time comes, your “stuff,” including your financial assets, generally live on, and are still essentially yours until they are legally transferred to another person or entity. That transference of assets can occur in any number of ways, but often includes a process known as probate.

2016 Year in Review for Retirement Accounts

As 2016 draws to a close, and we get ready to ring in the new year, it’s a great time to look back. Here is a roundup of six of the big stories in the world of retirement accounts for 2016.

RMDs When You Move Money from an Employer Plan to an IRA

Jenny has a 401(k) plan at work and she has an IRA. Jenny is 72 but is still working. Her employer plan has a “still working” exception so Jenny does not have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from her plan. However, she does have to take RMDs from her IRA.

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