IRS Form 1040

Slott Report Mailbag: Do IRA Fees Count Towards my RMD?

The first Slott Report Mailbag of 2014 involves several topics we go into detail on at our 2-Day IRA Workshop. Spousal waivers, the 60-day IRA rollover window and required minimum distributions are the topics of the day, and our team of IRA Experts answered each below.

Tax Time 1040 Madness

With just 5 days left in the 2013 tax season, you might be scrambling to prepare your tax returns at the last minute, but as you go to reach for that 1040, here’s the question… which one? Yes, believe it or not, there are actually many different 1040 options available to you. Which one you should use depends on a number of factors, such as your filing status, your residency/citizenship status, the credits and deductions you’re eligible to claim and even how much taxable income you have!

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