Slott Report Mailbag: How Do These Roth IRA 5-Year Rules Work?

The Slott Report Mailbag is full of inquiries on one of our most discussed topics, the Roth IRA 5-year rules, as well as a question that came from our Wednesday article on where you report your 2013 Roth IRA contributions on your tax return (hint: nowhere!). Click for this week's Q&A with our IRA Technical Expert.

New IRS Publication 560 – Retirement Plan Info for Small Businesses for 2013

The IRS updated the 2013 version of Publication 560, Retirement Plans for Small Business (SEP, SIMPLE, and Qualified Plans) For use in preparing 2013 Returns. This publication contains basic information on employer retirement plans such as simplified employee pension (SEP), savings incentive match plan for employees of small employers (SIMPLE), and qualified retirement plans.

Retirement Account Asset Valuation Seeing Greater Scrutiny

Asset valuation is coming under greater scrutiny. It started with valuations used for calculating estate tax. IRS questioned valuation discounts used in many estates and was successful in many of these challenges.Then came the housing crash, the market crash and the mortgage security problems in 2006 and beyond. As a result, the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is now looking harder at how illiquid investments in alternative funds are being valued.

3 Tips For Tax Time Preparation

The holidays are over. New Years has come and gone. Now, of course, it's time to get ready for - cue the Andy Williams' music - "the most wonderful time of the year." Tax time! Here we give 3 tips to help you prepare.

National Newspaper Article Makes Major IRA Missteps

"Don't Let the IRS Gobble Up Your IRA," yet if you listen to the national newspaper article we read yesterday, that's exactly what the IRS will do. This article's author makes major mistakes, using the wrong IRA minimum distribution table in his example, using the wrong percentage when talking about required distributions from your IRA balance and more.

60 Day Rollover Waiver When IRA Was Involved in a Ponzi Scheme

IRS Private Letter Ruling 201342017 is a ruling that involved a Ponzi scheme in an IRA. An IRA owner we will call "Alex" asserted that his failure to complete his IRA rollover within the 60-day rollover window was because his financial adviser engaged in a Ponzi scheme.

Automatic Waivers of the 60-Day IRA Rollover Rule

Whenever you receive an IRA distribution, you have 60 days from the day you receive it to roll it over, tax-free, to another IRA. The failure to complete a rollover within 60 days means the funds aren't eligible for rollover, and that means the IRA distribution will be taxable to you. Also, if you’re under age 59 ½ at the time, the 10% early distribution penalty will apply. But in some cases, you can get more time to complete a tax-free rollover.

Ruling to Remember: IRS First in 60-Day IRA Rollover Ruling

Private Letter Ruling 201347025 is an IRS first when it comes to the 60-day rollover rule. A taxpayer we will call "Ron" asserted that his failure to accomplish IRA rollovers within the 60-day rollover window was due to inaccurate advice from an IRS agent. Click to find out what happened to Ron.

Ruling to Remember: Waiving the 60-Day Rollover Requirement

In this month's Ruling to Remember, we look at Private Letter Ruling 201339002, wherein a Taxpayer we will call Sue claimed that her old financial institution never adequately explained the 60-day rollover rule, costing her the ability to roll an IRA distribution over to a new IRA at a new financial institution.

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