The Government Shutdown Could Cause You Tax Problems

For over a week now, the federal government has been partially shut down - what some news outlets have called a slim down - thanks to Congress' inability to come together on any sort of agreement that would have prevented, or at least delayed the issue at hand.

Video Alert: IRS, Taxes and Same-Sex Married Couples

The Slott Report has extensively looked at IRS' DOMA guidance as it relates to taxes, IRAs and same-sex married couples through IRS Rev. Ruling 2013-17. Now, we have put all key points into a video alert at Ed Slott and Company's YouTube Page, IRAtv. The video below with Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine talks about the tax and retirement planning issues related to Rev. Ruling 2013-17.

IRS Issues DOMA Ruling

On August 29th, IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2013-17 to clarify some of the federal tax issues raised by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the Windsor case. In case you have not been keeping up with the news for the last couple of months, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) was unconstitutional thus making same-sex marriages “legal” at the federal level. The Court’s decision left the definition of marriage up to the individual states.

The Price of Procrastination: What Happens When You Miss the 60-Day IRA Rollover Window

When it comes to moving retirement account money from one IRA (or other eligible retirement account) to another, Congress has given you a couple of options. On one hand, you can have the money sent right from one institution to another. This is known as a trustee-to-trustee transfer, or a direct rollover, and is the preferred way to move money, as it avoids a lot of problems. On the other hand, Congress also allows you to move money indirectly. Click for more information.

Examining What Federal and State Organizations and Entities Are Involved with IRAs

Last Tuesday, Senator Orin Hatch of Utah introduced new IRA-related legislation to the Congressional floor. The purpose of the bill had nothing to do with taxes, as you might first suspect, but rather, was introduced in an effort to strip the Department of Labor (DOL) of some of its power over IRAs. Below we discuss the role of certain federal and state entities play in IRAs.

ROBS Plans and IRS Form 5500

In late 2009 IRS started a project on rollovers as business start-ups (ROBS). This is a strategy that has been heavily marketed by several companies and targets individuals that want to finance business ventures using their retirement funds. They are directed to establish a self-directed IRA, a corporation, and a 401(k) plan for the corporation. The plan allows participants to roll in IRA funds.

Slott Report Mailbag: Can Inherited Retirement Plan Funds Be Converted to an Inherited Roth IRA?

Summer is almost here, as the unofficial start to the summer season begins with Memorial Day weekend. To celebrate, we open some IRA, tax and retirement planning mail and answer several of your most pressing questions. This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at some intricate IRA issues along with a question about the provisions in the new tax law.

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