IRS Releases 2013 Federal Tax Brackets, Inflation-Adjusted Items

IRS released a revenue procedure (Rev. Proc. 2013-15) on Friday that set forth inflation adjusted items for 2013 and other items whose values for the coming year are specified in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. IRS welcomed the addition of the new 39.6% income tax bracket, the beginning income levels for the limitation on certain itemized deductions and the beginning income levels for the phaseout of personal exemptions.

IRS Updates Program for Fixing SEP and SIMPLE IRA Plan Mistakes

The rules for operating an employer retirement plan are complicated and mistakes are sometimes made. Recently, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2013-12 with information that updates the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) for addressing various retirement plan compliance problems.

Holiday Wish List of Tax Code Changes

The holiday season is upon us once again. There are a lot of things we associate with this time of year, but one of the most common has to be exchanging gifts with those we love. I can remember, as a child, writing out my wish list each year and the excitement I’d have wondering which gifts I might actually receive. Recalling those days I thought I would once again prepare a wish list, but with a little twist. Below you will find my holiday wish list to Congress and the IRS for changes I’d like to see made to the tax code.

Charities, IRAs and Hurricane Sandy

Many areas in the Northeast were declared federal disaster areas as a result of Hurricane Sandy. The IRS has provided help for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Some of the retirement plan initiatives the IRS has announced are explained below.

Hurricane Sandy Financial Recovery: Where You Can Access Funds

Last week, Hurricane Sandy - a.k.a. Frankenstorm - pounded the eastern part of the United States. In the days since, thousands have been displaced from their homes, more are still without power and millions have been financially impacted by the storm that, by some estimates, could top $50 billion in damages. Unfortunately, many of those who’ve been affected could be about to make - or may have already made – a bad situation worse by making costly financial and tax mistakes or top of the losses suffered as a result of Hurricane Sandy.

An Open Letter of Retirement Planning Advice to President Obama

Mr. President, As part of the campaign process for your bid to seek a second term in the White House, you recently released a copy of your 2011 tax return. Purely to satisfy my own curiosity, I decided to review the return, as well as the tax return of your challenger, Governor Romney.

What Happened To These Tax Provisions?

The tax code allows a taxpayer to plan his financial affairs so as to pay the least amount of tax that is legally owed. This allows individuals to take advantage of favorable tax provisions. But the lack of bipartisanship engaged in by Congress is making it harder and harder for individual taxpayers to plan effectively. Congress does this by delaying the passage of key tax provisions until the end of the tax year.

IRS Announces 2013 Pension Plan, IRA Limitations

IRS announced 2013 pension plan and IRA contribution limits and other retirement-related items on Thursday. Included in the release below are 2013 retirement plan contribution limits and AGI (adjusted gross income) phase-out ranges for Roth IRA contributions and Traditional IRA deductions. We will dissect these numbers in the weeks to come, but for now, here is the official release in full from IRS.------WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost of living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for Tax Year 2013. In general, many of the

Recharacterize a 2011 IRA Contribution After October 15? Probably Not

Monday October 15, 2012 was the deadline to recharacterize an IRA contribution for 2011. Now that we are past that date, is it possible to get an extension for time to do a recharacterization? Probably not.When you recharacterize, you essentially change your IRA contribution from one type of IRA to another. In most cases, a recharacterization involves reversing a Roth IRA conversion. Some or all of the conversion can be recharacterized with its net income attributable (gains or losses). A recharacterization can be done for any reason but certain rules must be followed. For example, both

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