Excess IRA Contributions – Too Much of a Good Thing

You can have too much of a good thing. A contribution to your IRA is a great way to save for retirement, but there are limits. If you exceed those limits you will end up with an excess IRA contribution and a tax mess. This was the fate of two taxpayers in a recent court case, where mega IRA contributions resulted in excess contributions and penalties.

10 Things You Should Know about the New Fix for Late IRA Rollovers

There is good news for everyone with a retirement account. The IRS recently released Revenue Procedure 2016-47, which provides a new and easier way for you to complete a late 60-day rollover of retirement funds using a self-certification procedure. Here are 10 things you should know about this new procedure that just might save your retirement savings.

Fix Your 60-Day Rollover Mistake! IRS Releases New Guidance

In one fell swoop, the IRS has just saved thousands of IRAs from the harsh bite of needless and accelerated taxation. On Wednesday August 24, 2016, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2016-47, which allows you to complete a late 60-day rollover of retirement funds using a self-certification. Here's what this means for retirement account owners.

Who Pays For a Mistake in Your IRA?

You took a distribution from your employer plan or another IRA and the receiving company put it in the wrong account. Your IRA company did not process your 72(t) distribution in the correct amount. An advisor/salesman told you that the company offering a “great” investment could hold it as an IRA. Someone at the bank told you that you could do a rollover in 90 days, or that you could roll over more than one IRA distribution in a year. You get the idea. So who is at fault for these issues?

What is Escheatment and How Does it Affect Your Retirement Accounts?

How is it determined that an IRA has no owner? This will depend on both state law and the procedures in place at the institution holding your IRA or employer plan assets. If you have an IRA or an old employer plan where you are no longer making contributions, then there are no transactions taking place within the account. This could leave the account open to escheatment.

What Advisors Need to Know About the New Fiduciary Rule

For years, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued exemptions that were extraordinarily narrow in scope and very much transaction-based. In a complete reversal, however, on the same day as it unveiled its new Fiduciary Rule, the DOL also unveiled a 300+ page document that introduced a new, broad, principal-based prohibited transaction exemption, known as the Best Interest Contract Exemption. Here's what advisors need to know.

IRA Tax Reporting: The Two Types and Key Forms

There are two types of tax reporting for IRA accounts: the reporting that is mandatory for IRA custodians and the subsequent reporting that must be done by the IRA owner or beneficiary. Here's what you need to know about each.

Missed Your 2015 RMD? Keep Calm and Take These 3 Steps

Did you take your RMD from your IRA for 2015? Hopefully, the answer is yes because for most IRA owners and beneficiaries the deadline for taking a 2015 RMD was December 31, 2015. There is an exception. If you reached age 70 ½ in 2015, you still have time. Your deadline for taking your 2015 RMD from your IRA is April 1, 2016. However, if you missed your 2015 RMD, stay calm and follow these three steps.

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