IRS Releases 2014 Form 5329 to Report Certain IRA Penalties

The IRS recently released the 2014 version of Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts. The form, along with the accompanying instructions, is updated each year and is filed by the IRA owner to report certain penalty taxes they may owe with respect to their IRA. What are these tax penalties and how could they affect your account value?

IRS Waives Rollover Requirement After Institution Error

A taxpayer received a distribution from his company retirement plan after separating from service with the intent to make a direct rollover into a Roth IRA. However, things don’t always go by way of the best intentions. The financial institution deposited the distribution into an IRA instead of a Roth IRA. Private Letter Ruling 201452025 got IRS involved.

IRA Private Letter Ruling Fees for 2015

Private letter ruling (PLR) requests for IRAs are a means for taxpayers to request forgiveness from IRS and to allow them to complete an action that has, for some reason, been derailed. For instance, you can ask IRS to allow you to complete a Roth recharacterization after the deadline has passed or to allow you to complete a 60-day rollover after the 60 days have passed. This all comes with a substantial cost. Here are the facts and figures for 2015.

New for 2015 – Changes in the Retirement Planning World

2015 has brought several important changes in the retirement planning world. From the once-per-year IRA rollover rule to QLACs and myRAs, IRA Technical Expert Beverly DeVeny highlights the key changes you must be aware of to retain current clients and capture new business in the new year.

How to Take Your RMD When Your IRA Holds an Illiquid Asset

What happens if your IRA holds an illiquid asset and you are over age 70 ½? Can you skip the required minimum distribution (RMD)? The answer to that question is, no, you cannot skip the RMD. It is called a required distribution because the distribution is required. Here are three options for satisfying the RMD from the IRA with the illiquid asset.

5 Steps to Eliminate a 2014 Estimated Tax Penalty Before Year-End With Your IRA

It’s December already, and you’ve just realized that you haven't been withholding enough income taxes so far this year and/or you haven't been making the proper quarterly estimated payments in 2014. You will likely owe a penalty unless you do something to fix the problem before year end. That's where your IRA comes in. We explain a trick to reduce, or even eliminate, any estimated tax penalties you might otherwise owe.

IRS Releases Updated Rollover Chart

IRS has released an update on their IRA rollover chart that includes language regarding the more restrictive once-per-year IRA rollover rules that take effect on January 1, 2015. Read more to view and print the chart.

Can I Mix IRA and Personal Funds?

Can you mix your IRA and personal funds? Sometimes companies offer their investment products on sale. You might get a small cash bonus, a higher interest rate, or cash back if you invest today or by the end of the month when the offer ends. You might want this investment in your IRA because the investment, or the deal, is just that good. But here’s the problem. You can’t get your IRA funds out of your current investment into this new one that’s on sale before the sale ends. What are you going to do?

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