jared trexler

Buying Life Insurance in Employer Retirement Plans

You are allowed to buy life insurance inside your employer retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or profit sharing plan. While many plans don't offer life insurance as an investment, some in fact do. Click to find out more.

Wall Street Journal: Is It Time to Convert to a Roth 401(k)?

The new tax provisions within the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 make some subtle, if not substantial, changes to income tax rates, the top estate tax rate, capital gains rates for upper-income earners and more. Click to learn how these changes may impact you.

Important IRA October 31st Deadline Fast Approaching

An important deadline is fast approaching. This October 31st deadline applies to trusts that are beneficiaries of retirement assets of individuals who died last year. A trust beneficiary cannot use stretch distributions from inherited retirement assets unless the trust meets four qualifications explained below.

Retirement Rescue FAQ: Are You in These Positions?

Ed Slott and Company has a special microsite just for those who pledged to Public Television during Ed Slott's recent special, Ed Slott's Retirement Rescue!. Below are two questions contained in the FAQ section of the microsite.

Video: Can I Move Money From a Roth IRA to a Roth 401(k)?

Ed Slott answers a question from a consumer in Florida about whether he can move money from his Roth IRA to a company-sponsored Roth 401(k). This video describes the differences between the two accounts and answers the question about transferring funds.

Important 2012 IRA and Tax Planning Dates

Whoa! Today is April 13th already? That means we are just days away from this year's tax deadline. Where does the time go? Have you filed yet? If not, you better get crackin'! But even if you've filed your 2011 return already, have you thought about any of the other key deadlines you may need to plan for this year? Before you know it, those dates will be here as well.

Beneficiary Issues for the Sandwich Generation

The "sandwich" generation is those who are raising their children and also taking care of their parents. They are sandwiched by their care-taking responsibilities. They are likely to have their own 401(k)s or other employer plans and IRAs, and they are likely to be the beneficiaries of their parent’s retirement assets. Again, they are sandwiched – they are owners with beneficiaries and they are also beneficiaries. Here is what these caretakers need to know about both sides of the equation.

IRA, 401(k) Contribution and Income Limit Changes in 2012

Employees with higher incomes will be eligible for a tax break if they save in a traditional IRA, can contribute to a Roth IRA, or qualify for the saver's credit. That's just one piece of good news from an IRS announcement late last week. Click to read the others.

IRAs and Different State Provisions (2 of 3)

When many people think about the rules that govern IRAs, they see them as universal rules, applicable to everyone equally in all circumstances. While many rules do, in fact, apply to everyone equally, variations in state law can also create significant differences in how IRAs are treated in different states.

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