jared trexler

Your IRA or Roth IRA is Included in Your Taxable Estate

Taxpayers believe that because they have already paid the income tax on Roth IRAs that the Roth IRA balance will not be included in the estate for estate tax purposes. As the title indicates, your IRA or Roth IRA will be included as part of your taxable estate at your death. Click to read more about where it says this.

Reporting Roth IRA Conversions with Form 8606

Ed Slott has talked about "Reporting Roth IRA conversions" in all of his seminars, and The Slott Report has touched on the subject in multiple entries over the last few weeks. Ed wrote a March 20th article for Investment News about the avalanche of questions about to come in (if they haven't already) on Form 8606. It has been around for years--but it will never be as popular as this year because of two key tax law changes in 2010.

Many Not Saving Enough; Roth IRAs Great for College

Two information-packed articles on "saving" came out today, and they are very beneficial to your retirement planning and IRA planning in general. Click to read more about "Roth IRA: A Great Way to Save for College" and "Many not saving enough for golden years."

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