Jeff Levine

Roth IRA Contributions: Don’t Report on Tax Return, But Do Keep Track

If you made a Roth contribution for 2013 and are now preparing your tax return, you may be wondering where to report it. Chances are, however, that if you’ve been looking, you’ve been looking for a while. It’s very difficult to find where these contributions are reported. Actually, truth be told, it’s impossible.

IRAtv: 65-Day Rule for IRA Trust Beneficiaries and Trustees

The 60-day IRA rollover rule is well documented, but there's another special rule (the 65-day rule) for IRA trust beneficiaries and trustees. Ed Slott IRA Technical Expert Jeffrey Levine takes you through the nuts and bolts of the rule in the IRAtv video below.

What Some Financial Advisors Are Getting Wrong About myRAs

Last week President Obama delivered his State of the Union address to the nation and introduced us all to a new type of retirement account, the myRA. Since then, the ins and outs of the new accounts have been minced and parsed in just about every way imaginable. Click to find out what some advisors are getting wrong about myRAs.

myRA: Analyzing the President’s Retirement Plan Proposal

So, did anything happen in President Barack Obama's State of the Union last night that we should be aware of? The President's new retirement plan proposal, called myRA, (rhymes with "IRA" when pronounced correctly - trust us, it's tough) drummed up a lot of discussion over water coolers and across the worldwide web last night and into this morning, including extremely active discussions on Twitter. So what does the proposal mean for advisors, investors and the present and future of retirement planning?

Early Year IRA Contribution Question-and-Answer

Last week I posted a video discussing the importance of contributing to your retirement account early in the year. Without putting any more money into your account over the long run, by simply making your IRA contribution early in the year, as opposed to year-end (or even by April 15 of the following year), you can easily wind up with tens of thousands more in your retirement account to spend during your golden years. In response to the video, as well as the time of year in general, we've received a number of questions. Here are some of the most common ones, along with their answers.

3 Tips For Tax Time Preparation

The holidays are over. New Years has come and gone. Now, of course, it's time to get ready for - cue the Andy Williams' music - "the most wonderful time of the year." Tax time! Here we give 3 tips to help you prepare.

National Newspaper Article Makes Major IRA Missteps

"Don't Let the IRS Gobble Up Your IRA," yet if you listen to the national newspaper article we read yesterday, that's exactly what the IRS will do. This article's author makes major mistakes, using the wrong IRA minimum distribution table in his example, using the wrong percentage when talking about required distributions from your IRA balance and more.

3 Ways to Give to Charity in 2013

Ed Slott and Company IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine lays out 3 different ways you can give to charity in 2013, how charitable giving can help you at tax time and key strategies to take advantage of before the end of the year. It's December, so with that in mind, we lay out 3 ways you can give to charity in 2013.

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