Jeff Levine

Do I Have to File IRS Form 5329 For Each Year an RMD Was Missed?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the issues involved when an IRA beneficiary must take missed required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the original account owner, answers a question about the backdoor Roth IRA conversion and outlines the process of making SEP IRA contributions and converting those to a Roth IRA.

How are IRA Annuity RMDs Calculated After Life Annuitization?

The IRA rules are very complicated. The RMD (required minimum distribution) rules are very complicated. Annuity rules are very complicated. Put them all together and what do you get? Usually, just a mess of chaos and confusion. Today, we look at what happens to RMDs when you annuitize your IRA annuity over your lifetime or over a joint lifetime (your lifetime, plus the lifetime of another person). The answer provided below is excerpted from our soon-to-be-released must-have resource, The Definitive Guide to Required Minimum Distributions for Baby Boomers.

What Options Does an Estate Have as IRA Beneficiary?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag dives into details on SIMPLE IRAs and SEP IRAs, explains the legality of having a 401(k) versus a Roth 401(k) and walks the questioner through the options an estate has as an IRA beneficiary. As always, we stress the importance of working with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure.

Latest Update on Forthcoming Social Security Changes

In recent weeks, the Social Security Administration has released a flurry of information, including several “Emergency Messages,” aimed at clarifying some of the changes to the Social Security rules made by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. The guidance addressed a number of critical, previously unanswered questions, and is poised to impact many of those in or approaching retirement. Here is a list of the key updates, followed by a more comprehensive explanation of the guidance.

The Top 3 Questions (And Answers) From Instant IRA Success

This past weekend, advisors from all across the country gathered at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada to spend two days with the Ed Slott and Company team for our latest Instant IRA Success 2-Day IRA Workshop. Over the two days, there were – no doubt – hundreds of questions asked and answered by our team. Here are three of our favorites, along with the answers.

Final Obama Budget Proposal Heavy on Retirement Account Changes (Again!)

On Tuesday, February 9, 2016, President Obama released his Fiscal Year 2017 Budget – his final budget proposal as President of the United States. Having seen none of his 14 retirement account-related proposals from last year’s budget enacted, the President has included them all again in this year’s budget. In addition, this year’s budget features one additional significant retirement account-related change. In this article, you will find a complete list of the 15 provisions in the President’s budget that directly relate to retirement accounts. For each, you’ll see whether they are new or carryovers from previous years, a description of each, as well as some commentary to provide insight and perspective.

Is There an Age Requirement to Go Through with a Qualified Charitable Distribution?

The qualified charitable distribution (QCD) questions keep rolling in - and we aren't surprised. After all, the QCD provision is one of the biggest breaks in the tax code and it's of tremendous value to the charitably inclined. In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we also walk a reader through the general IRA beneficiary provisions in a community property state.

January’s Top 10 Retirement Facts and Figures

Here's the 10 most amazing, surprising and/or illuminating facts about retirement that I read in January. Before each fact, you will find my own brief commentary, and after each fact, you will find the original article from which the fact was pulled should you be interested in further reading.

Can These Estate Beneficiaries Utilize the Stretch IRA?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag answers questions on three of our most popular topics: required minimum distributions (RMDs), the stretch IRA and IRA rollovers. The rules are extremely confusing, and we clear them up for these three consumers in this mailbag.

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