Jeff Levine

3 Reasons to Consider a 401(k) Instead of a SEP IRA

One of the most popular small business retirement plans is the SEP IRA. In contrast to other potential options for small businesses, such as a 401(k), the SEP IRA is often favorable. That said, there are many reasons you might consider using a 401(k) for your small business instead of a SEP IRA. Here are three of them.

IRA Trust Beneficiary Tips Live From Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor Group Workshop

Greetings from beautiful Denver Colorado, site of Ed Slott and Company’s Elite IRA Advisor Group Spring Workshop. Yesterday, during one of our breakout sessions, IRA trust expert Shannon Evans, JD, LLM, shared some key planning tips to consider when thinking about naming a trust as an IRA beneficiary. Here are just a few of those tips.

7 Ways You Can Mess Up Your Required Minimum Distribution

Taking your correct required minimum distribution (RMD) ... it sounds so easy; you just divide the balance of your IRA at the end of last year by your IRS-provided life expectancy factor. What could possibly go wrong? The answer: a lot, an awful lot. Read on for seven RMD mistakes you should avoid at all costs.

One-Third of Plan Participants are Giving Away Free Money … Are You?

One of the most common questions retirement savers ask is, “Where should I be saving for retirement? Should I be saving in my employer’s plan? An IRA?” While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, IRA Technical Expert Jeffrey Levine implores you to take advantage of "free" money.

A Clever Financial Aid Strategy: Use Roth IRA Distributions to Pay Off Loans

On Monday, we posted an article to The Slott Report detailing 3 reasons why you may want to use a Roth IRA instead of a 529 plan to help save for a child’s college education. Since then, we’ve received a fair amount of feedback from readers and follow-up questions, many of which asked if using a Roth IRA to pay for a child's education expenses now would impact their aid in the future. We have the answer.

3 Reasons to Use a Roth IRA Over a 529 Plan for Education Savings

For some time now, the cost of a college degree has been rising at perilously high rates, and as a result, the dream of one day going to college, for many, remains just that ... a dream. With college tuition and associated costs rising so dramatically, it’s no surprise that people are looking for new and creative ways to save for these expenses. One such alternative method involves the use of a Roth IRA over more traditional college savings vehicles, such as 529 plans and Coverdell education savings account. Here are three reasons why it may be a good move.

5 SMART Ideas For Your Tax Refund

The 2015 tax season is now in full swing. As you finish preparing your own return for this year, maybe you were too generous with Uncle Sam last year, and he owes you a refund. If that’s the case, here are 5 ways you might consider using this year’s tax refund other than heading off to the Caribbean or buying a new flat-screen TV.

Academy Award Losers Win Big … But Uncle Sam Wins Even Bigger

It paid to be a loser at this year’s Academy Awards, at least for some. Instead of taking home the golden Oscar, losing nominees in the big categories – best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best actor, best actress and best director – took home some serious swag.

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