jeffrey levine

What Does Change in Political Leadership Mean to Your Retirement?

What is there to say that hasn’t already been said (10,000 times)? The election of Donald Trump to be our next President shocked the pollsters, the American public and, by all accounts, even the President-elect himself. Reactions are obviously divided, to say the least, but one thing that has united most retirees, regardless of the side of the aisle that they sit on, is the question, “What does this mean for me?”

5 Reasons to Delay Social Security Benefits

As many know, you may not need to start taking Social Security at age 62; you can start any time after that until age 70. After 70, there's no point in waiting longer because your Social Security benefits won't increase moving forward. If you don't have an immediate need for the money and you're healthy enough to anticpate a long retirement, waiting will increase the size of the Social Security checks you'll eventually receive. Long-term, you may come out ahead.

What TransAmerica Retirement Survey Says About Retirement Outlook

Last month TransAmerica released its 17th annual Retirement Survey of Workers. This year’s study, entitled Prospectives on Retirement: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, yielded some incredible information. Here are some of the most fascinating takeaways I found as I read through the study.

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