joe cicchinelli

Should I Name a Trust as My IRA Beneficiary?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, includes questions on how the pro-rata rule affects pre-tax and tax-free IRA money and how and when you should use trusts as IRA beneficiaries.

Small Business Owners: You Might Still Have Time to Set Up 2014 SEP IRA

If you’re a small business owner such as a sole proprietor, a partner of a partnership, or an owner of an S corporation, and you don’t have a retirement plan for your business, you should consider establishing a SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) in 2014 (there might still be time) or beyond. Here's why.

Timing Problems with IRAs and Divorce

When a married couple gets divorced, IRAs can be divided as a result. So, if you’re in the middle of a divorce, you should know that some or all of your IRA can be awarded to your ex-spouse. The process is similar to how some of your other assets are divvied up, but there are major differences and special rules that apply when you’re dealing with an IRA.

Does My Inherited IRA Qualify for a QLAC?

Can an inherited IRA qualify for a QLAC (qualified longevity annuity contract)? Can I use my Roth IRA to pay for my grandchildren to go to college? These questions and more are answered in this week's Slott Report Mailbag.

How Do I Take an RMD on An Account Valued at Zero?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at a dilemma we see in many households: expected income exceeds Roth IRA contribution limits, so the family elects to open a Traditional IRA, only to see by year-end that the expected income fell under the contribution limits. Can this family convert the Traditional IRA money to a Roth? Also, we examine the process of taking a required minimum distribution on an account valued at zero, and answer an inherited IRA question about the proper way of distributing funds.

Year-of-Death Reporting for Deceased IRA Owners

If you are handling the affairs of an IRA owner who died last year, you need to be on the lookout for certain IRS reports that show IRA activity last year. Joe Cicchinelli walks you through the year-of-death reporting process.

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