joe cicchinelli

Revised IRS Publication Addresses Key Education Savings Accounts, Penalty Exceptions

The IRS just released the updated version of Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education (For use in preparing 2012 Returns). It discusses a relatively unknown savings account called a Coverdell Education Savings Account (known as a CESA or ESA). An ESA is set up to pay the qualified education expenses of a child or student, known as a designated beneficiary.

Slott Report Mailbag: Can I Convert IRA Funds to a Roth IRA as a Beneficiary?

Retirement planning is about time...and it sure does fly. Maximizing your time and planning early (while thinking about how to minimize risk later in life) is quintessential to any successful plan. This week's Slott Report Mailbag examines ages (particularly ages 59 1/2 and age 70 1/2) as they relate to retirement planning.

Can Medicaid Take My IRA?

With many Americans living much longer due to advances in medicine, some seniors have asked whether Medicaid can take their IRA to pay for nursing home care, should they require it at some point. The answer to that question is complicated and should be addressed by an elder-care planner. Some general information follows.

More Tax Deadline Extensions for Hurricane Sandy Victims

Even though Hurricane Sandy occurred in late October 2012, its effects are still being felt. The IRS issued several news releases describing the postponement of certain tax-related deadlines for victims affected by Hurricane Sandy. These postponements also apply to IRA and other retirement plan deadlines. The relief applies to many counties in New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut.

Updated IRS Publication 560 – Retirement Plan Information for Small Businesses

The retirement plan rules are constantly changing. They can be complex. Often, taxpayers are looking for good, free sources of information. While Internet searches can be helpful, caution should be used because there is no guarantee that the information you have found is timely or accurate. So where can you get accurate information on retirement plans? We explain below.

Slott Report Mailbag: How Does the New Tax Law Affect Me?

We have covered the new tax law (the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012) from both a retirement planning and tax planning standpoint since it was signed into law by President Barack Obama on January 2, 2013. We wrote a quick analysis of the law complete with a 5-plus-minute video on 5 key planning points. We followed with a detailed look at qualified charitable distributions (a topic we get frequent questions about), and how they were affected by the new law.

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