lump sum distribution

How Do the RMD Rules Work When a Pension Plan Lump Sum is Paid?

In the May 17, 2021 Slott Report, we discussed the rules governing required minimum distributions (RMDs) from defined benefit (DB) plans, also known as “pension plans.” We said that DB plan payments usually have no problem satisfying the RMD rules, but there are two special rules that sometimes apply.

11 NUA Don’ts

As with most IRA/tax strategies, the net unrealized appreciation (NUA) strategy comes with a few “don’ts.” Any one of these could mean a loss of your ability to take advantage of the NUA tax benefit.

Why NUA is the Tax Break You Don’t Want to Miss

When you leave an employer, you may assume that the right move is to roll over your retirement funds to an IRA. Not so fast! For many people, a rollover will be a smart decision. However, don’t assume that is always the way to go. In some cases, as strange as it may sound, taking a lump sum distribution and paying taxes is a smart choice. You may be wondering how that could be possible. Read on to see why a tax break called Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) may make taking that distribution a good choice.

Can I Invest My Roth IRA Funds in an Annuity?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, looks at lump sum distribution rules for pension plans and the possibility of investing Roth IRA funds in an annuity.

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