marvin rotenberg

Using Life Insurance to Protect IRA Values

Life insurance is not only the single biggest benefit in the tax code, but it is also the most cost effective way to protect a large-balance IRA. Many owners of large-balance IRAs are concerned about protecting IRA values during volatile markets. Life insurance proceeds can do just that with its incredible leverage.

Required Minimum Distributions From All Angles in Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag delves into the oftentimes complicated world of required minimum distributions (RMDs). We look at RMDs after conversions, recharacterizations and the "still-working" exception. We also answer a question about when you can recharacterize a Roth IRA conversion.

Life Expectancy Tables and Required Minimum Distributions

IRS regulations governing required minimum distributions (RMDs) from IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans were in proposed form only from 1987-2000. Sweeping changes to these proposed regulations in 2001 led to the issuance of long-awaited final regulations in 2002, dramatically altering the way owners and beneficiaries of these accounts and plans calculate the distributions they are mandated to take from them.

Stretching Your IRA

If you don't need all the funds currently in your IRA you might want to "stretch" them. This refers to the process of extending the term of your IRA over multiple lifetimes through the use of existing distribution rules, the power of tax beneficial compounding and sound estate planning techniques.

Taking Required Minimum Distributions From Multiple Accounts

There are many things to consider when determining how much you must take out of your retirement accounts commencing at age 70 ½. You must know how many different accounts you have and what type they are, such as IRAs, 401(k)s and/or 403(b)s. Most importantly, you’ll want to insure that your required distributions (RMDs) are properly calculated and paid in a timely manner because the tax penalty for not doing so is quite severe.

Inflation: The Silent Retirement Killer

We have written many times on the subject of annually funding retirement vehicles such as 401(k) plans and IRAs so you will have enough money to enjoy a financially secure retirement. The earlier you start contributing to your retirement accounts, the more you will have when you actually reach retirement age.

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