required minimum distribution

Can I Start Taking RMDs Then Stop if I Resume Working?

In this week's Slott Report Mailbag we answer questions on (dreaded) excess IRA contributions and the penalties involved as well as whether an individual can start taking RMDs (required minimum distributions) only to start working again and halt taking them.

Did You Miss an RMD in 2014? 3 Steps to Fix This

We spent the early part of the week looking at both sides of when you should take your RMD (early or late in the year). However, if you waited until the end of the year and then missed taking your RMD, here's how to correct it.

The Case For and Against Taking Your RMD Early in the Year

One of the most common questions that an IRA owner subject to RMDs (required minimum distributions) asks is, "When should I take my RMD? Is it better to take the RMD early in the year? Later in the year?" There’s really no right or wrong answer, but rather, depending on your personal situation, either might make sense. Here are a few factors to consider when making your decision.

The Power of Compounding: Start 2015 with an IRA Contribution

The power of compounding. It's value over time is illustrated by IRA Technical Expert Jeffrey Levine in this IRAtv video. Jeffrey details the IRA and Roth IRA contribution parameters and looks at how making a contribution early in the year can benefit you over the long term.

Year-End RMD Question: Can I Transfer my Traditional IRA RMD to a Roth?

The major Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) announcement pushed off last week's Slott Report Mailbag until this week, and it couldn't come at a better time. With 2014 hanging on by its coattails, year-end retirement planning is nearing its conclusion. In crunch time, advisors and consumers are asking specific questions about taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). It's only fitting that we received two questions on the topic this week.

How to Take Your RMD When Your IRA Holds an Illiquid Asset

What happens if your IRA holds an illiquid asset and you are over age 70 ½? Can you skip the required minimum distribution (RMD)? The answer to that question is, no, you cannot skip the RMD. It is called a required distribution because the distribution is required. Here are three options for satisfying the RMD from the IRA with the illiquid asset.

Don’t Miss Taking a Distribution From Your Inherited IRA by Year-End

If you’re the beneficiary of a deceased IRA owner, December 31, 2014 is an important date. If the decedent died in 2013 or earlier, you generally have to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) from the IRA by year-end to avoid a 50% penalty for not doing so. Read on to see how it works.

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