required minimum distribution

What ifs of Plan RMDs

Do I have an RMD from my Employer Plan? For most people this is an easy question. If you are no longer working for that employer and are 70 ½ or older this year, yes, you have a required minimum distribution (RMD) from your employer plan. What if you are over 70 ½ and still working? Do you have to take an RMD from your employer plan? Maybe.

Do I Have a Required Distribution From my IRA This Year?

We are down to the last two months of the year. It is time for those who have required minimum distributions (RMDs) from a retirement plan to make sure that those distributions are taken. Following is a list of those who have required distributions for the year.

5 Things You Can NOT Do With Your IRA

The "I" in IRA stands for individual. There are many things you can do with your IRA - and we cover them at length in this space. However, there are also many things you CAN'T do with the account. Here's a list of five.

What Life Expectancy Table Should an IRA Inheritor Use to Calculate Required Distributions Moving Forward?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at utilizing the pro-rata rule to calculate tax consequences for your Roth IRA conversion plus what life expectancy table an IRA inheritor should use to calculate their RMDs (required minimum distributions) moving forward. As always, we recommend you work with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure. You can find one in your area here.

A Tale of Two Spouses Inheriting IRAs

Ann and Zelda are both 72 years young and now widows after their 74-year-old spouses died this year. Both inherited an IRA from their spouse in the amount of $100,000. Ann’s advisor had her move the funds to an inherited IRA. The account is titled Alan, deceased, IRA fbo Ann. Zelda’s advisor had her move the funds into an IRA in Zelda’s name. The account is titled Zelda’s IRA. There age and circumstances are where the similarities end. Click to read about their different stories.

What Happens to My RMDs If I Annuitize my IRA Annuity?

One common question both clients and advisors ask is “how will RMDs (required minimum distributions) be calculated from my IRA annuity after the annuitization?” If you have, say, only one IRA, with a $100,000 balance that is annuitized, the answer is simple. The annuitized amount that comes out of the IRA each year will satisfy your RMD obligation.

How Do I Take RMDs If I’m Still Working at Age 70 1/2?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the delicate situation of moving retirement funds (either to another account or through distributions) when still employed. If you are nearing retirement and are looking long-term of your overall plan, these two questions could be applicable to your situation.

Slott Report Mailbag: What Happens if I Accidentally Miss My RMD?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag demonstrates IRA intricacies, but also the difficulty in rectifying mistakes that have been piling up without an IRA owner's knowledge for years. These questions, and our answers, also stress the importance of putting together and working with a knowledgeable retirement team - an attorney, accountant and financial advisor.

Use the Right Value for IRA Annuity RMDs and Conversions

IRA valuation is critical when determining your required minimum distributions (RMDs), which are based on the prior year-end fair market value (FMV) of IRA assets. It is also critical for Roth conversions, because the resulting tax bill is based on the FMV of your IRA assets on the date of your conversion. Valuing certain deferred annuities owned inside your IRA can be tricky, though. We explain in more detail below.

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