required minimum distribution

April 1st IRA Required Beginning Date Deadline for RMDs

If someone who turned age 70 1/2 did NOT take their first mandatory required minimum distribution (RMD) last year, they MUST take it by today (April 1) as well as their 2014 RMD by year end. Levine discusses the nuts and bolts of what you need to know in the video below.

Your Age 70 1/2 RMD Required Beginning Date

If you were age 70 ½ last year (in 2013), April 1, 2014 is an important deadline for taking your 2013 IRA required minimum distribution (RMD). The tax code refers to this April 1st deadline as your required beginning date (RBD).

The 3 Most Important Things to Know About Roth IRAs

Roth IRAs have many rules and benefits, so boiling them all down to a list of just three isn't easy. Inevitably, there will be important information you should consider that's not on this list. That said, by simply knowing these three rules, you'll have a pretty good idea of whether or not you should be having the "Roth Talk." Click to learn about these three rules in detail.

President Obama’s 2015 Budget Includes A Possible Retirement Planning Game-Changer

Yesterday, President Obama unveiled his Fiscal Year 2015 Budget. As has been the case with previous budgets, this year’s version includes a number of proposed changes aimed at retirement accounts. Six out of the 7 provisions detailed below, or similar versions of them, were included in President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget last year.

IRA Annual Fair Market Value Summary

Last week President Obama delivered his State of the Union address to the nation and introduced us all to a new type of retirement account, the myRA. Since then, the ins and outs of the new accounts have been minced and parsed in just about every way imaginable. Click for more detail.

Mandatory Notification of RMDs for 2014

If you are an IRA owner who will be age 70 ½ or older this year, you should have received a notice from your IRA custodian telling you that you have a required minimum distribution (RMD) this year. They will also notify IRS on Form 5498 that you have an RMD. The letter to you should also tell you how much your RMD is for the year or offer to do the calculation for you. While you can generally rely on the calculation done by your IRA custodian, here are our 5 easy steps to be sure their calculation is correct.

Reinvesting Your Required Minimum Distribution

You have inherited an IRA or you have turned age 70 ½ and now have to take required distributions (RMDs). But you don't need (a relative term of course) the money and you would rather not pay the tax on money you don't need. So what can you do? Click to find out.

National Newspaper Article Makes Major IRA Missteps

"Don't Let the IRS Gobble Up Your IRA," yet if you listen to the national newspaper article we read yesterday, that's exactly what the IRS will do. This article's author makes major mistakes, using the wrong IRA minimum distribution table in his example, using the wrong percentage when talking about required distributions from your IRA balance and more.

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