required minimum distribution

Taking Required Minimum Distributions From Multiple Accounts

There are many things to consider when determining how much you must take out of your retirement accounts commencing at age 70 ½. You must know how many different accounts you have and what type they are, such as IRAs, 401(k)s and/or 403(b)s. Most importantly, you’ll want to insure that your required distributions (RMDs) are properly calculated and paid in a timely manner because the tax penalty for not doing so is quite severe.

Year-End IRA Deadline Falls on a Saturday

We recently informed you that the recharacterization deadline for 2010 Roth IRA conversions is generally October 15th of the year following the year of conversion. This year, the deadline is October 17th because the 15th falls on a Saturday.

Form 5329: Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans and Other Tax-Favored Accounts

What is Form 5329? Its title is "Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts." You should file the form whenever you miss a required distribution, take a distribution before age 59 ½ when one of the penalty exceptions does not apply, and when you make excess contributions. Those are most of the reasons to file the form. The form calculates any additional taxes owed (what are often called penalties) for certain IRA transactions. Not filing the form could only make things much, much worse.

Do You Have a Required Minimum Distribution in 2011?

Do you have a Required Minimum Distribution in 2011? These questions come up at the beginning of each year. When do I have to take my first distribution? What age do I use? Do I have to wait until I actually turn 70 ½? Click to read the answers to these questions.

Required Minimum Distributions for a Successor Beneficiary

Before we even get to the RMDs, what exactly is a successor beneficiary? Let’s say that Great-Uncle Scott dies and leaves his IRA to his daughter Rosemary. Rosemary is the IRA beneficiary. Rosemary names her nephew James as her “successor” beneficiary. If Rosemary dies with funds remaining in her inherited IRA, then James will succeed to her remaining benefit – he becomes the successor beneficiary.

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