RMDs and Rollovers – A Dangerous Blend

It is early 2021 and two ingredients mix again: retirement money in motion, and required minimum distributions (RMDs). This may not appear to be a dangerous concoction, but when improperly combined, the results can be a bitter beverage. Required minimum distributions cannot be rolled over, period.

The Answer to this Question on Eligible Designated Beneficiaries Under the SECURE Act May Surprise You

The SECURE Act made many changes to the rules for beneficiaries who inherit retirement accounts. One of the most significant ones is the end of the stretch IRA for most beneficiaries. However, there are some beneficiaries called “eligible designated beneficiaries” (EDBs) who can still use the stretch. How well do you understand this new class of beneficiaries? Take our quick quiz. The answer may surprise you.

New COVID-19 Stimulus Law Does Not Extend CARES Act CRD Relief

There’s been some confusion about the retirement plan aspects of the COVID-19 stimulus package signed into law on December 27, 2020. One national news network has reported that the new law extends the CARES Act tax breaks for coronavirus-related distributions (CRDs) into 2021. This is incorrect! At least for the moment, CRDs are no longer available.

60-Day Rollovers and RMDs in 2020: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: Recently, I received two checks, one for all assets in a Traditional IRA and one for all assets in a Roth. Mindful of the 60-day rollover rules, I endorsed one of them to my brokerage company to complete an IRA-to-IRA transfer. When attempting to do the same with the Roth funds, I was told that this would create another rollover and run afoul of the IRS "one-every-12-months" requirement.

IRA Transfers and Roth Conversions Under the CARES Act: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: I am 79 and still employed. My employer has an SEP for me and I have a Rollover IRA from a previous employer. Can I transfer my Rollover IRA to the SEP account? Thank you, George Answer: Hi George, There are no restrictions in the tax law against combining a SEP IRA and traditional IRA that contains funds rolled over from an employer plan.

QCDs and RMDs Under the CARES Act: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: Is there any problem with someone who is self-employed and has an active SEP making a deductible SEP contribution and an IRA QCD after age 70 1/2? In this case, the QCD would come from the IRA while the SEP continues to be funded. Does any offset apply? Bill Answer: Hi Bill, This is an interesting question!

IRS Issues New RMD Tables . . . for 2022!

Good news! You can look forward to somewhat smaller required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA and company retirement savings plan beginning in 2022. That’s because, on November 6, the IRS released new life expectancy tables that are used to calculate RMDs. The new tables are not effective until 2022. RMDs are waived for 2020, and RMDs for 2021 will be calculated under the current tables.

RMDs Under the CARES Act: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Great work you all do. Been a reader of Ed for a long time. How would this scenario work? New client of mine's husband passed away in 2019 and he had not taken his RMD. The plan was to transfer the account to my firm and take the RMD when it got to my firm as there was plenty of time. However, the insurance company kept rejecting the transfer paperwork (as they did not tell the client everything they needed to submit).

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