Roth IRA contribution

How to I Handle My Excess Roth IRA Contributions?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at possible miscues and how to handle them. What constitutes an excess Roth IRA contribution? One individual below has to deal with the 6% penalty while another doesn't. We explain why.

How to Grow Your Roth Account Without Growing Your Tax Bill

Roth IRAs can be powerful retirement planning tools. They allow you to put money aside today that can grow tax free for the remainder of your lifetime, and there are no required minimum distributions, like there are for traditional IRAs. Of course, nothing worth having in life comes without a cost, and the Roth IRA is no exception. Here's how to grow your Roth IRA account without growing your bill at tax time.

5 SMART Ideas For Your Tax Refund

The 2015 tax season is now in full swing. As you finish preparing your own return for this year, maybe you were too generous with Uncle Sam last year, and he owes you a refund. If that’s the case, here are 5 ways you might consider using this year’s tax refund other than heading off to the Caribbean or buying a new flat-screen TV.

Can I Start Taking RMDs Then Stop if I Resume Working?

In this week's Slott Report Mailbag we answer questions on (dreaded) excess IRA contributions and the penalties involved as well as whether an individual can start taking RMDs (required minimum distributions) only to start working again and halt taking them.

Making Spousal Roth IRA Contributions

In order for you to make a contribution to a Roth IRA for the year, you must have compensation and adjusted gross income within certain limits. If you’re married and filing jointly with your spouse, even if only one of you has compensation, you might both be eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA using the spousal IRA contribution rules.

Roth IRA Contributions: Don’t Report on Tax Return, But Do Keep Track

If you made a Roth contribution for 2013 and are now preparing your tax return, you may be wondering where to report it. Chances are, however, that if you’ve been looking, you’ve been looking for a while. It’s very difficult to find where these contributions are reported. Actually, truth be told, it’s impossible.

IRA and Roth IRA Contribution Q&A

With Tax Day right around the corner, it is the perfect time to answer the most popular questions involving IRA and Roth IRA contributions. Below are five of the more popular questions.

5 Things to Accomplish Before April’s Tax Deadline

Thanks to April 15th falling on a Sunday and a Washington D.C. holiday (Emancipation Day) on the following day, the April 15th filing deadline is pushed back to April 17, 2012 for 2011 federal income tax returns. Below are five things you should address between now and then.

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