Roth IRA conversion

Recharacterization Deadline is Approaching

Approaching as quickly as a Caribbean hurricane is October 17, 2011, the day of reckoning for undoing 2010 Roth conversions. A recharacterization means reversing your Roth IRA conversion as if it never happened. Once this date passes, most individuals who made 2010 conversions that they did not recharacterize will be irrevocably locked into them as well as their accompanying tax bills.

Nonsensical IRA and Roth IRA Items (Part 2 of 3)

I think we can all accept that the Tax Code is confusing. After all, it has to provide the rules for an extraordinarily vast array of circumstances. Sometimes though, the Code goes beyond merely confusing and borders on the bizarre. “Why would Congress do that?” you might ask yourself… and you’re not alone. While there are more than just a handful of bizarre items in the Tax Code, we’ve chosen to highlight three of them that relate directly to IRAs.

Reporting Roth IRA Conversions with Form 8606

Ed Slott has talked about "Reporting Roth IRA conversions" in all of his seminars, and The Slott Report has touched on the subject in multiple entries over the last few weeks. Ed wrote a March 20th article for Investment News about the avalanche of questions about to come in (if they haven't already) on Form 8606. It has been around for years--but it will never be as popular as this year because of two key tax law changes in 2010.

Ed Slott on the Willis Report: Fox Business News

Here is Ed Slott's interview with Tracey Byrnes on the Willis Report, talking about Roth Conversion Planning. The interview is from late December, but still applies if you decided to do a 2010 Roth Conversion. Click to watch the video.

Roth Conversions and Stretching The Tax in Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag discusses some complex, timely issues involving the myths about Roth conversions and the ability to stretch the tax paid on a Roth Conversion over three years. Can that be done?

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