Roth IRA recharacterization

Year-End Roth Conversion Question-And-Answer

It's that time of year. The leaves are falling. The holidays are coming. And retirement planning quickly turns to year-end conversion questions. To help the financial advisor-client team with your year-end Roth conversion planning, we have assembled a FAQ list below.

Company Retirement Plan Distribution Options

Happy Friday! So, let's say you are leaving or have left your employer. What happens to your retirement plan funds? There are options other than taking a taxable distribution of your retirement account balance.

2010 Roth Conversions – Time to Recharacterize?

Individuals who did Roth conversions in 2010 and took advantage of the opportunity to spread the income over 2011 and 2012 are now faced with the tax bill for income that must be included on their 2011 tax returns. Many are now having second thoughts or are having difficulty coming up with the funds to pay the tax.

Can I Still Recharacterize a 2010 Roth IRA Conversion?

You will receive various questions as the tax deadline draws near, and a popular one involving IRAs goes something like: "Can I still recharacterize my 2010 Roth IRA conversion?" Many people will realize that they must begin to pay taxes on this conversion this year, and some will ask if the conversion can be undone, especially if he or she doesn't have the money to pay the tax. The answer and advice you need to give can be found in the below video from our YouTube page, IRAtv.

Tax Relief for Hurricane Irene/Lee and the Texas Wildfires

A final, final word on the Roth recharacterization topic. In an article posted here on October 11, 2011, we mentioned that the deadline for recharacterization in certain areas affected by Hurricanes Irene and Lee and the Texas wildfires had been extended to October 31, 2011. Since then, many readers have asked what states and counties were included in this extended deadline. So, as an accommodation to these folks, we’re providing some additional information.

Roth Recharacterization Deadline Final Word

There is one final word to add on the Roth recharacterization deadline for Roth IRA conversions completed in 2010. The recharacterization deadline for residents residing in certain counties of states impacted by Hurricanes/Tropical Storms Irene and Lee, as well as the Texas wildfires, has been extended to October 31, 2011. Click for details regarding this relief on the IRS website.

Recharacterization Deadline is Approaching

Approaching as quickly as a Caribbean hurricane is October 17, 2011, the day of reckoning for undoing 2010 Roth conversions. A recharacterization means reversing your Roth IRA conversion as if it never happened. Once this date passes, most individuals who made 2010 conversions that they did not recharacterize will be irrevocably locked into them as well as their accompanying tax bills.

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