Roth IRA

Happy 20th Birthday Roth IRA! – Here Are 20 Roth IRA Facts You Need to Know

The year 1998 seems like a long time ago. In January 1998, Bill Clinton was in the White House and about to be impeached. The Unabomber was in the news and the Spice Girls were winning music awards. January 1, 1998 also brought us the launch of Roth IRA. However, unlike other ‘90’s memories, the Roth IRA is still going, stronger than ever. You may already be reaping the tax benefits of your own Roth IRA. Or, maybe you’ve hesitated to open one. The 20th anniversary may be the time for you to take the plunge. To celebrate the occasion, here are 20 Roth facts you need to know.

Roth IRAs – Favored for Annual Contributions, Neglected for Rollovers from Company Plans

Roth IRAs become 20 years old in January of 2018 and now hold more than $660 billion in retirement wealth, reports the Investment Company Institute. Yet while Roth IRAs have become very popular among individuals who make annual contributions to IRAs, they are near totally avoided by persons who roll over big-dollar distributions from company retirement plans into their IRAs, with these funds going overwhelmingly into Traditional IRAs.

Tax Reform Proposal Unveiled

The much anticipated Republican proposal for tax reform has been released in the form of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, an over-400 page long major rewrite of the Tax Code. It is sure to be controversial and subject to political dispute, and specific provisions are likely to change. Here's how the major provisions that most matter to helping your clients read now.


Rothification is a term that is being tossed around a lot as tax reform takes center stage in Congress. What does Rothification mean? Proposals vary but, basically, it’s the idea of eliminating tax deductions and deferrals for retirement savings and instead mandating after-tax contributions with a payoff of tax-free earnings down the road. This is how Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s work so hence the term “Rothification” has emerged.

How Your Inherited IRA is Taxed

Have you inherited an IRA? What type of IRA is it? Your answer will matter a lot when it comes to your tax bill. Inheriting a traditional IRA will have very different tax consequences than inheriting a Roth IRA.

5 Retirement Savings Strategies for Younger Workers

No one can argue that the millennial generation faces big challenges when it comes to savings. Younger workers are dealing with record setting student loan debt, high housing costs and stagnant wage growth. It’s hard to save for retirement when you are worried about the next month’s rent. Here are five strategies to help younger workers get started saving for retirement.

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