Roth IRA

Mandatory Roth Catch-up Contributions Required for 2024

One of the more controversial provisions of the new SECURE 2.0 law concerns 401(k) catch-up contributions. Most 401(k) plans – as well as 403(b) and governmental 457(b) plans – permit employees who are age 50 or older to make catch-up contributions. The limit for catch-ups in 2023 is $7,500, allowing for total elective deferrals of up to $30,000.

Conversion as a Gift to Your Beneficiaries

Do you have an IRA you are thinking about converting to a Roth IRA? There are many benefits to converting. You trade an immediate tax bill for the promise of tax-free earnings and distributions down the road. However, one benefit you may not have considered is the benefit to your beneficiaries. Inheriting a traditional IRA will have very different tax consequences than inheriting a Roth IRA. Converting your IRA to a Roth IRA is really a gift to your beneficiaries.

Inherited Roth IRAs and Roth Conversions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: Am I correct to assume if I leave my Roth IRA to my 2 adult children, they will have to take all the money out by the end of year 10 and they will have NO taxes to pay on it because it is a Roth? They can take some out each year with NO taxes due, but have the option to leave it all in the account for 10 years, if they desire. Thank you! Louise

The 5-Year Rule for Converted Roth IRA Funds

If you recently converted your traditional IRA to a Roth IRA and you under 59 ½, you will want to know about the five-year rule for penalty-free distributions of converted funds from your Roth IRA. Many people are not aware of it. Not understanding how the rule works can result in heavy penalties when you withdraw your Roth IRA funds.

5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Open a Roth IRA

In my April 12 Slott Report entry (“5 Reasons to Open a Roth IRA Immediately!”), I included a handful of points as to why it was imperative to open a Roth IRA, especially before the tax filing deadline. But a coin has two sides. Here are 5 reasons why you should NOT open a Roth IRA:

Roth IRA vs. Roth 401(k)

More 401(k) plans are starting to offer Roth options. If you now have this option, you may be wondering what the difference is between a Roth IRA and a Roth 401(k). Which account is right for you? These accounts have a lot in common. Both offer the ability to make after-tax contributions now in exchange for tax-free earnings down the road if the rules are followed. However, there are some important differences between the two plans that you will want to understand.

5 Reasons to Open a Roth IRA IMMEDIATELY!

Time is running out! The tax filing deadline is Tuesday, April 18. Why is this important? Because that is the last day an IRA can be opened and/or funded for the previous year. Even if a taxpayer files for an extension, that does NOT extend the prior-year IRA contribution deadline.

Bloody Mary and a 401(k)

Spring break. Warm breezes and ocean waves and fancy cocktails are top of mind. The aroma of coconut suntan lotion entwined with barbecue smoke floats on salty air. And when morning light flickers through the palm fronds, like Jimmy Buffett said, “I sure could use a Bloody Mary, so I stumbled over to Louie’s Backyard.”

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