Roth IRA

3 Tips for Making Your 2022 IRA Contribution

Tax season is in full swing. That means that the 2022 tax-filing deadline is not far away. Are you considering making a 2022 IRA contribution? Time is quickly running out. Here are three tips to help you get your contribution done the right way.1. DON’T Miss the Deadline. The deadline for making your 2022 IRA contribution is the tax-filing deadline, Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Do you have an extension? That won’t buy you more time. Even if you have an extension for filing your 2022 federal income taxes, your deadline for making a traditional or Roth IRA contribution is still April 18, 2023.

EDBs Have a Choice: Stretch vs. 10-Year

By now, most are aware the SECURE Act created a new class of beneficiaries called “eligible designated beneficiaries” (EDBs). This group includes surviving spouses, minor children of the account owner (until age 21), disabled individuals, chronically ill individuals, and people who are not more than 10 years younger than the IRA owner. (Those older than the IRA owner also qualify.)

5 Things to Know When Making a 2022 Roth IRA Contribution

Tax season is upon us. This is the time when you might be thinking about contributing to a retirement account. You may be interested in the Roth IRA, which offers the promise of tax-free withdrawals in retirement if you follow the rules. If you are making a 2022 Roth IRA contribution, here are 5 things you need to know:

SECURE 2.0 Allows Roth Employer Contributions in 401(k) Plans

Up to now, employer contributions to 401(k) (and other plans) had to be made to pre-tax accounts. One of the SECURE 2.0 changes already in effect allows employer contributions to be made to Roth accounts. Roth employer contributions are allowed in 401(k), 403(b) and governmental 457(b) plans. (In reality, 457(b) plans usually don’t have employer contributions to begin with.) Keep in mind that this covers employer contributions; many 401(k) (and other) plans already permit Roth employee contributions.

Roth IRA Distributions and the 10-Year Rule: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question:If I did a Roth conversion in 2022, do I have to wait 5 years before I can touch the amount $16,500 (the amount I converted) penalty free? The Roth has been open since 2003 and I'm over 59 ½.Answer:The five-year rules for Roth IRA distributions can be very confusing. In your case, because you are over age 59 ½, you will have immediate tax and penalty free access to any converted funds in your Roth IRA. You will also have tax and penalty free distributions of any earnings in your Roth IRA since those distributions are qualified. They are qualified because you are over age 59 ½ and you have had a Roth IRA for at least five years.

SECURE 2.0 Changes Already in Effect

The SECURE 2.0 Act, enacted into law on December 29, 2022, makes over 90 changes to the IRA and employer plan tax rules. If that isn’t enough, many of these provisions aren’t immediately effective and (one isn’t effective until 2033). This article will focus on the key provisions in effect right now in 2023:


SECURE 2.0 is now the law of the land and one thing is very clear. Roth-O-Mania is here! In their quest for more revenue, Congress has created more options to save with Roth accounts. These accounts bring in the immediate revenue that Congress desperately needs. For retirement savers, these Roth options offer the promise of potential tax-free earnings and withdrawals down the road.

529 Plans and Roth IRAs: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question:Hello Ed,I have a question concerning Secure 2.0 pertaining to transferring “leftover” 529 plan account balances into a Roth IRA, beginning 2024. If I have no income in 2024, can I still transfer/contribute leftover 529 plan funds into a Roth IRA? Thank you!Mark

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