sarah brenner

Meet the New HSA Limit, Same as the Old HSA Limit

If you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) with family coverage, determining your 2018 contribution limit has been an adventure. This in one of the many unintended consequences of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

Using Your IRA for a Short-Term Loan

For many Americans, their IRA is their largest asset. It is not surprising then that in times of financial trouble, they may want to turn to their IRA as quick source of cash. If this is your situation and you are thinking about using your IRA for a short-term loan, here is what you need to know.

Are You in the IRA Sweet Spot?

If you have an IRA, you need to know about the “sweet spot.” What is the IRA sweet spot? Well, that is when you are between ages 59½ and 70½.

5 Roth IRA Facts That May Surprise You

Do you think you understand all the rules that govern your Roth IRA? Not so fast! There are many misconceptions as to how these complicated accounts work. Here are 5 Roth IRA facts that might surprise you.

Is 2018 the Year for Your Roth IRA Conversion?

Roth IRAs have been around for 20 years now. Lots of taxpayers have taken advantage of the tax-free benefits of these accounts by converting their traditional IRAs or employer plans to Roth IRAs. But many have hesitated. Maybe you are among those who held back. The year 2018 may be the year to change your mind.

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