If you want to leave your IRA to an adult, you simply name that person on the IRA beneficiary form. Unfortunately, when it comes to minors, it is not that easy.
When a minor inherits retirement dollars, the child is not legally able to make financial decisions. A guardian may be needed. Guardians could be named in a parent’s will, and some IRA beneficiary designation forms allow nomination of a guardian. The court can also appoint a guardian, but this can be a long and expensive process.
I am interested in your interpretation of the RMD (required minimum distribution) rules using the following facts:
Original IRA owner’s DOB is 1/21/29
Original IRA owner’s date of death is 12/29/21
SECURE 2.0 is a mammoth piece of legislation that contains over 90 provisions that affect retirement accounts. While many of these provisions are not game changers, they still can be very helpful to specific groups of retirement savers. One of these is the provision that eliminates the 10% early distribution penalty that applies to net income attributable (NIA) when an excess IRA contribution is corrected by withdrawal.
Tax season is upon us. This is the time when you might be thinking about contributing to a retirement account. You may be interested in the Roth IRA, which offers the promise of tax-free withdrawals in retirement if you follow the rules. If you are making a 2022 Roth IRA contribution, here are 5 things you need to know:
If I did a Roth conversion in 2022, do I have to wait 5 years before I can touch the amount $16,500 (the amount I converted) penalty free? The Roth has been open since 2003 and I'm over 59 ½.
The five-year rules for Roth IRA distributions can be very confusing. In your case, because you are over age 59 ½, you will have immediate tax and penalty free access to any converted funds in your Roth IRA. You will also have tax and penalty free distributions of any earnings in your Roth IRA since those distributions are qualified. They are qualified because you are over age 59 ½ and you have had a Roth IRA for at least five years.
The SECURE Act changed the game for inherited IRAs. For most beneficiaries, the stretch IRA is gone and has been replaced by the 10-year payout rule. However, the SECURE Act carved out some rules for special needs trusts for disabled or chronically ill beneficiaries that allow the stretch to continue for these beneficiaries.
SECURE 2.0 is now the law of the land and one thing is very clear. Roth-O-Mania is here! In their quest for more revenue, Congress has created more options to save with Roth accounts. These accounts bring in the immediate revenue that Congress desperately needs. For retirement savers, these Roth options offer the promise of potential tax-free earnings and withdrawals down the road.
I am confused regarding the requirements for making a qualified charitable distribution. Is it necessary for the donation to be sent directly from the financial company to the charity, or can the check be made out to the charity but sent to me and then sent to the charity?
Thank you,
One of the provisions of the recently passed SECURE 2.0 that has gotten the most attentions is the one that allows some retirement account owners to delay their required minimum distributions (RMDs) a little longer. The new law pushes back the RMD age from 72 to 73. Eventually, it will go to 75, but that is not for another decade.
The year 2023 has arrived. It is a new year, and we have new rules for retirement accounts thanks to SECURE 2.0 which Congress passed in the waning days of last year. SECURE 2.0 is a giant piece of legislation, clocking in at over 300 pages, and some of its provisions will not be effective for years to come. Here are some of our top takeaways from the SECURE 2.0 provisions that are effective right away.