More 401(k) SECURE 2.0 Changes Already in Effect – And On the Way

By now, you probably know that a number of SECURE 2.0 provisions pertaining to 401(k) (and other company savings plans) became effective this year. We’ve already discussed two of them in The Slott Report. The first is that Roth 401(k) accounts, like Roth IRAs, are now exempt from RMDs.

How the Contribution Limits Work When You’re in Two Plans

The start of the new year is a good time for a refresher course on the contribution limits that apply when someone is in two different retirement plans at the same time or at different times within the same year (e.g., after changing jobs). The rules are challenging because there are two different contribution limits to worry about – the “elective deferral limit” and the “overall contribution limit.”

How the Contribution Limits Work When You’re in Two Plans

The start of the new year is a good time for a refresher course on the contribution limits that apply when someone is in two different retirement plans at the same time or at different times within the same year (e.g., after changing jobs). The rules are challenging because there are two different contribution limits to worry about – the “elective deferral limit” and the “overall contribution limit.”

IRS Gives the Holiday Gift of SECURE 2.0 Guidance

On December 20, the IRS gave us the holiday gift of some guidance on a few provisions from the SECURE 2.0 Act. Notice 2024-02 is in a question-and-answer format and provides much needed clarification on SECURE 2.0 provisions, some of which are already in effect, and others which will come online in just a few short days in 2024.


Thinking of opening up a new solo 401(k) plan for 2023? Thanks to SECURE 2.0, you don’t have to rush to get it done by year end. A solo 401(k) is an excellent retirement savings vehicle for self-employed business owners with no employees (other than their spouse). That’s because the IRS says that a business owner with a solo (k) actually wears two hats – one as an employee and one as an employer. As an employee, he can make elective deferrals up to $22,500 for 2023, or $30,000 if age 50 or older.

Congress Makes SIMPLE IRA Plans Less SIMPLE

SIMPLE IRA plans are a popular retirement savings option for small businesses. The plans are available for companies with 100 or fewer employees who received at least $5,000 in pay from the company in the prior year. SIMPLE IRAs are designed to be administratively easier than 401(k) plans. Businesses can establish a SIMPLE by completing a model IRS form (either Form 5305-SIMPLE or 5304 SIMPLE) and can make contributions directly to employees’ IRAs.

RMDs When Your IRA Investments Are Not Liquid

You may have noticed grocery stores stocking up for Thanksgiving, and festive lights and displays going up everywhere. Yes, it is the holiday season, but it is also the season to take required minimum distributions (RMDs). One question we have been getting a lot this year involves RMDs when IRA investments are not liquid.

The Still-Working Exception: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: We had a client who was 80 years old and still working when he died. He did not own more than 5% of the company. As such, he was not taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from the plan at his death. Our client named his son as his sole beneficiary.

Inherited IRAs and SIMPLE IRA Creditor Protection: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: In 2021, my wife inherited an IRA from her sister who was 4 years younger. My wife therefore is an EDB (eligible designated beneficiary). Her sister was 66 years old at date of death. My wife has been taking RMDs based on her own age. What happens when my wife dies? Do all the following beneficiaries have 10 years to deplete the inherited IRA? Are there RMDs that need to be taken each year for those beneficiaries? If so, is the RMD based on the factor that my wife was using?

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