
SECURE 2.0 is now the law of the land and one thing is very clear. Roth-O-Mania is here! In their quest for more revenue, Congress has created more options to save with Roth accounts. These accounts bring in the immediate revenue that Congress desperately needs. For retirement savers, these Roth options offer the promise of potential tax-free earnings and withdrawals down the road.

Required Minimum Distributions and SIMPLE IRAs: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: I have an inherited IRA from my father. He was born 9-27-1927 and died 7-19-2019 at age 91. I was born 12-13-1952 and my age is 70. Two on-line calculators offered by brokerages show the factor this year (2022) to be 18.4 on my inherited IRA from my father. I cannot verify that factor on any of the IRS tables. Could you copy me or direct me to the correct table? Many thanks, Jim

Is it Too Late to Open Up a Small Business Retirement Plan for 2021?

As we move into 2022, small business owners may be wondering whether they still have time to establish a new retirement plan for 2021. The short answer is: “It depends.” There are several retirement plan options especially designed for small business owners, including the self-employed. These include SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs and Solo 401(k)s. All three can be opened up and maintained easily and inexpensively, and all allow tax-deductible contributions that can be significantly higher than the IRA contribution limit.

SIMPLE IRAs and IRA Contributions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: Hi, I found you by searching to find out if we can offer two SIMPLE IRA options for our employees. I don't know if that is something permitted. The idea is to have a cryptocurrency option set up as a SIMPLE in addition to the SIMPLE we already have in place. I'm reaching out in the hopes someone can help me with a definitive answer. I have spoken with our CPA, however, he was not sure. Thank you for any help you can provide.

The Two-Year Holding Period for SIMPLE IRAs

SIMPLE IRAs are not so simple. One factor that makes SIMPLE IRAs tricky is that they are subject to unique rules, found nowhere else in the tax code, such as the two-year holding period. Two-Year Holding Period When does the two-year holding period begin? This is a question that often creates confusion. The two-year holding period begins with the date the employee’s first contribution is deposited to the SIMPLE IRA. It is not the date employment begins or even the date you become eligible to participate in the SIMPLE IRA plan. 25% Early Distribution Penalty Distributions taken from a SIMPLE IRA before age 59 ½ are subject to an early withdrawal penalty of 25% when withdrawn during the two-year holding period.

An IRA Rollover Quiz

Most people think it is easy to move their retirement assets. But is it? The following is a quick quiz. How many of these rollover questions can you get correct? The answers are at the end of the quiz.

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