social security

UPDATE: What the New Budget Means for Your Social Security and Medicare Benefits

Retirement planning for millions of Americans just changed dramatically. Last night, President Obama signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, which has a significant impact on both Medicare Part B participants and those trying to employ savvy planning tactics to get the most of their Social Security benefits. Here’s what you absolutely need to know.

“Obvious” Social Security Decision May Not Be Best One

Social Security is a necessary component of many current and pre-retirees' revenue streams. However, the personal decisions one must make about when to claim the benefit come with tricky formulas and not-so-obvious choices. This example details how the "clear" choice may not always be the right one.

September’s Top 10 Retirement Facts and Figures

We are beginning a new monthly feature - a content creation stream of each month's best retirement and retirement planning facts and figures. Before each fact, you’ll find my own brief commentary, and after each fact, you’ll find the original article from which the fact was pulled should you be interested in further reading.

3 Retirement Loopholes Likely to Close

As we all know, there are many tips and tricks to maximizing the tax code in the short-term at tax time and in long-term with your retirement account. However, when a loophole is being used by "too many" and the government is losing out on lost revenue, it has a good chance of being closed. Reporter Liz Weston spoke to Ed Slott about 3 loopholes that are in danger.

Ed Slott’s 5 Biggest Retirement Mistakes (VIDEO)

The 5 biggest retirement mistakes - miscues that can cost those saving for and nearing retirement - have nothing to do with investing! I sat down with to discuss what I believe are the five biggest retirement mistakes people make with their retirement accounts.

New Report Shows Fewer Retirees Claiming Social Security Benefits at Age 62

Deciding the best time to claim your Social Security benefits is an intensely personal decision that can have a truly significant impact on your overall retirement security. In general, you can begin collecting reduced retirement benefits as early as age 62. But a new study reveals that many more people are waiting longer.

Will I Be Affected By The Once-Per-Year IRA Rollover Rule?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag inquires about the new once-per-year IRA rollover rule as well as the tax implications on an IRA-to-Roth IRA conversion. As always, we recommend you work with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure. You can find one in your area here.

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